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Britain is officially back in recession. Double-dipping

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You make it sound like bad news, this is good news.


It's worse than bad news. Or are you clinging to the hope that figures will be revised upwards while conveniently forgetting they could get revised downwards?


In the meantime, while you cling to your hopes, the damage is done. We ARE in recession. Officially. For months. That is not good.

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Why do you (often) use the term 'bullies' to describe people who are not lefties?


I've not seen right-of-centre posters on here bullying anybody, just receiving grief and spittle from the left.


Because history has always shown the Conservatives as bullies, you can't get away from the fact.

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Not at all. Some of us knew things were bad before the Tories took power.


But there is more to the problem than simply "the tories done it" and other negativity like we normally get on here.


This is a global problem and has been since 2008. Yet I don't recall many of the usual posters who start these kind of threads doing so while Labour was in power.




Everybody knew how bad it was. Now all of a sudden far from being caused by a profligate Labour government it's a global debt problem caused by government debt, personal debt and corporate debt. He's right as it happens but why wait until 2012 to deliver this new narrative? Oh yeah, I just remembered it's because his own screw-up of the economy is everybody else's fault now.

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It's worse than bad news. Or are you clinging to the hope that figures will be revised upwards while conveniently forgetting they could get revised downwards?


In the meantime, while you cling to your hopes, the damage is done. We ARE in recession. Officially. For months. That is not good.


Nope, I would be happy for them to go down further, stop spending on crap bought from china and live within our means.

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It would seem that most of our wealth is indeed going down to London and the South East...


Well wish it was coming down towards this part of the South East - but we always seem to get missed out somehow - must be something to do with that stretch of water!

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Really? I have seen far more "loony left" type posts than posts belittling the right.


You're right of course, the forum has been littered by them for a good few years. It's just the type of people they are, they enjoy trying to push people around. Sometimes it's insults and sometimes it's coming with outrageous comments like bring back workhouses, people shouldn't have kids they can't afford etc, it's like the Deatheaters in the Harry Potter series. I doubt they'd be saying things like that if the shoe was on the other foot.

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This is a global problem and has been since 2008. Yet I don't recall many of the usual posters who start these kind of threads doing so while Labour was in power.


Yet it's amazing how many posters on SF think it's all Gordon Brown's fault.

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Yet it's amazing how many posters on SF think it's all Gordon Brown's fault.


Selling our gold reserves and denying there was a problem, then pushing the country into the largest post WWII debt while other countries didn't even go into recession, that was the one eyed idiots fault yes. As leader of the country he should have steered the UK economy around that particular ice-burg, not sailed straight into it denying it was a problem.

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