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Britain is officially back in recession. Double-dipping

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I wonder how long it will be before the RWingers get this thread locked so it is conveniently shuffled down the pile and out of harms way?


I don't know about that but things have degenerated so much that the typical RW argument seems to be switching from 'it's all Labour's fault' to 'all the parties are corrupt and as bad as each other'.


Other than rickiethecat who thinks that the global recession is the sole responsibility of Gordon Brown. Of course.

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Yet it's amazing how many posters on SF think it's all Gordon Brown's fault.


You have to admit though that he did make some spectacular blunders - like dropping the VAT to 15% so we could spend our way out of recession (reminds me of that old Jasper Carrott joke "Eat yourself thin"), and the gold business that's already been mentioned.


And he was running the country at the time so he must shoulder some blame.

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The difficulties we are in are the fault of a) the banks, b) succesive governments of both parties over the last 50 years. c) A system which is unsustainable in the long run.


Until that is accepted, all this pointless squabbling and name calling will continue, and that is a diversion that both parties seem to be relying on.


It's not helpful.


The bottom line is the system which needs to change. The super rich know this and are well underway in ensuring themselves so rich and powerful that nothing and no one can touch them.


Just as several people saw this crisis coming long before it hit, while politicians were feigning total surprise, so too will the above statement become clear to all. But by then it will be too late.


While people continue blaming the other party, the pieces on the chessboard are being manouvered into place to cut off anything but checkmate to them.


Look at the worldwide picture. There is enough money and resources for everyone. It's the method of distribution that's wrong. We have to sort that out. I say this from sheer self interest. Apart from London, we are about to become a third world country.


Capitalism is fine when you're on the winning side, but pretty **** when you're not.

In this country ever since the days of empire we've been on the winning team, we've never experienced what it's like not to be. Unless we change things, we're about to find out.

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The difficulties we are in are the fault of a) the banks, b) succesive governments of both parties over the last 50 years. c) A system which is unsustainable in the long run.


Until that is accepted, all this pointless squabbling and name calling will continue, and that is a diversion that both parties seem to be relying on.


It's not helpful.



We best all keep squabbling then untill the other guilty party is prepared to take some responsibility.



Banks lent money, governments allowed it, but the ultimate responsibility lands squarely on the shoulders of those people that borrowed it.


The crash was the inevitable consequence of people and governments spending more than they could afford, all the banks did was facilitate all the over spending, without which there wouldn’t have been a boom in the first place.

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Successive Treasuries & their leaders have not had the right people in place.


This has resulted in UK Plc having its purse being looked after by incompetent fools.


Sort the Treasury out, get a 10 /25 /50 year plan for the UK, and get the people behind you.

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Look at the worldwide picture. There is enough money and resources for everyone. It's the method of distribution that's wrong. We have to sort that out. I say this from sheer self interest. Apart from London, we are about to become a third world country.


Capitalism is fine when you're on the winning side, but pretty **** when you're not.



We aren't going to be a third world country, not even little old Sheffield. We still export stuff like steel and bizarrely make more scaples than anyone else, there is still money about. The midlands and the north still churn out massive numbers of cars for global consumption. It's bad yes but third world - no.


As for global equality that means you and me taking a massive drop in living standards.

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If avoiding a question was a biscuit, you'd be a Mars bar. :)


I assume your question is why blame the people that borrowed the money.




If they hadn't borrowed money to fuel an unaffordable life style there wouldn't have been a boom and the resulting bust that always follows a boom wouldn't have been necessary.

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