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Parkour Filming/Documentary

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I'm a local student and budding film maker. I'm looking at doing a documentary on Parkour in and around sheffield over the summer months.


First of all i'm in need of some volunteers who would be willing to spend a couple of days with me filming them. You don't need to be an expert, but a general confidence in what you are doing is a must.


I can't offer any pay for this as I may self will not be making any money out of it, however, you can have access to the footage and you will be having a film of you made in a professional manner for no cost to you at all! I will also be looking at putting this into some film festivals if the quality is up to a high standard, which I am confident it will be.


If you yourself are a free runner or know of anyone else who is could you please comment on this post or email me at rich[at]owntheskyproductions.com


My personal portfolio of work can also be seen here:




I look forward to hearing from you,


Many Thanks,

Richard Cook

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