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Leveson enquiry with Rupert Murdoch and others. Is it all a fiasco?

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I would like to know how much the inquiry is costing and what exactly it will achieve !


The inquiry will be costing a fortune, and I doubt it will achieve anything concrete.


However it might highlight to any who weren't already aware of it, the dubious links between the press and politics, and why you shouldn't believe everything you see and read in the media, or let it form your opinions.


Also, those people who have been going on about the iniquity of croneyism are being proved right.

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Well my concern would be the live on air admissions to breaking the criminal law and broadcast to every TV owner.


The cop who brought the case on Jill Dando based on a millionth of a gram of gunpowder found on the local fruitcake might be able to crack this one as well perhaps.


Running parallel to this is the head of state found guilty in the Hague so hope for Blairs come uppence yet then


After all the law is the law.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So the fiasco commences again,with Rebecka Brooks on the stand.Cameron sending her private messages! He's in trouble again now.


There's no reason why a politician can't befriend someone who works for a newspaper.


Does your profession determine what friends you're allowed to have?

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There's no reason why a politician can't befriend someone who works for a newspaper.


Does your profession determine what friends you're allowed to have?


Quote " Keep your head up Rebecka" :hihi:


My friends are chosen carefully, with a better judgement of character as well, but then i've never been in a position where i've needed to flatter and grovel to serve my own needs. ;)

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Nothing will come of it.


There will be plenty of wringing of hands and statements of "lessons have been learnt" but it will fade from memory in a few months and things will continue as before.


No reason why they shouldn't. If you disapprove of the way journalists work, don't buy the paper they write for.


I'm amazed the Leveson Inquiry is still considered newsworthy. Is there anyone still surprised that politicians try to get journalists on their side?

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