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Anyone remember (the wreck)

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dont remember that one, I do remember the one behind Helen Road in Darnall (rec, short for recreation ground). I think it may have been an army base at some point. I seem to remember seeing tanks in garages there, or am I dreaming that bit?



Wasnt that high hazels park..:)

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I remember it like it was yesterday, spent hours of my childhood in there, it was split into 2 sections, the left hand side was where the swings, rocking horse, roundabout and the big slide(it was a right of passage to go down it belly flop:hihi:)


The right hand side was a giant sand pit with the infamous monkey bars, a sort of mini mountain made from really thick logs and some sort of irrigation pipes to climb on and weave in and out of.


At the age of 6 it was a magical place where you could let your imagination run riot and play all those fantasy games you did as a child,cowboys and indians, pirates, spacemen, no X boxes, no playstations the kids these days dont know what they are missing !!!!!!!!!!!

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Just as a matter of interest the Carbrook rec. was on land that was part of Terry's Farm.


The farnhouse on the site was called Belleview.


The rec land was used for the dumping of night soil from the city.


Happy Days but if not Smelly Days!


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