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Sheffield Forum's Christmas Carol - OK children, listen carefully!

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Thanks everyone - Happy New Year to you all. I just thought I'd share a PM I recieved this morning to greet in the new year BNP stylee.


Tell you what ******** why dont you for once have the balls to say it to my face cos I REALLY want to kick the **** out ot of you you little sad *******.


Thanks Roy for that, another gleaming example of the BNP at its most politically astute.


Does this mean he wants me to read it to him?:suspect:


Glad EVERYONE else enjoyed it:thumbsup:

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I have sent a message to Mini to apologise for the P M I sent him,I was just in from the pub and a little the worse for drink.

In fact now having read his little story I actually find it to be quite funny:D

He is quite elequent at times is our mini and although I know for sure we will cross swords in the future ,on this occasion I was the one who was out of line.

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Keep this thread in the spirit it was originated, please.


Threasts are uncalled for and unacceptable, and it's only by virtue of the fact that an apology has been posted that bans aren't flying already.


And if anyone else mentions BNP here I'll get very cross.


Thank you,



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Originally posted by Frodo

Nice to see that Roy will be getting the pints in for mini - what a shining example to one and all for 2006


Mines a Guinness please....



Lol nah wont be going that far,in fact my new year resolution is to quit the booze.:thumbsup:



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