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Sheffield Springs Academy New Head? 6 in 6 years can not be right?

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The Governors need to be looking at their 'Academy' status if there's been 6 headteachers in 6 years especially if they've all left due to stress.


The wellfare of all staff should be a priority to Governors.


If the school reverts back to a 'normal' school (although Im not sure how easy this process is) should allievate the immediate stress of running an academy.

There is alot more pressure on a head teacher running an academy than a normal school.


Are Academies run by local businesses etc?.I read that the council are asking the publics opinion on making most or all of its schools acadamies.

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Are Academies run by local businesses etc?.I read that the council are asking the publics opinion on making most or all of its schools acadamies.


From what I understand, in Academies, the headteacher takes total control of the school from the council and runs it like a managing director would his own company.


Normal schools run under the Local Education Authority (LEA) pay in to a scheme and get help and support from the council. In academies the headteacher and governors don't receive this back up and are on their own. Its a massive decision to make.


The headteacher at our school understandably didn't want this pressure and workload on his shoulders and therefore we are remaining a LEA school.

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From what I understand, in Academies, the headteacher takes total control of the school from the council and runs it like a managing director would his own company.


Normal schools run under the Local Education Authority (LEA) pay in to a scheme and get help and support from the council. In academies the headteacher and governors don't receive this back up and are on their own. Its a massive decision to make.


The headteacher at our school understandably didn't want this pressure and workload on his shoulders and therefore we are remaining a LEA school.




Which school are you linked to?


Do you think all schools will become an academy in time? it seems to be a political viewpoint that Gove wants schools to become an academy.

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From what I understand, in Academies, the headteacher takes total control of the school from the council and runs it like a managing director would his own company.


Normal schools run under the Local Education Authority (LEA) pay in to a scheme and get help and support from the council. In academies the headteacher and governors don't receive this back up and are on their own. Its a massive decision to make.


The headteacher at our school understandably didn't want this pressure and workload on his shoulders and therefore we are remaining a LEA school.


The head is the puppet of the controlling academy who dictate the philosophy of the school through their financial muscle.Some of the sponsors include evangelical christian groups who want to teach creation theory rather than conventional scientific ideas based on Darwin.They are also free to exclude pupils and are retrospectively selective schools.Heads are freed from many restrictions and can set pay rates etc.and renew contracts,usually on adverse terms.I have yet to make my mind up about academies.

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I have recieved a letter today my daughter goes to springs and up to xmas was bullied after meeting with the acting head and another lady this was soted out. It is disapointing that Mrs Cropper did not get the job the head before was never seen nor would meet with me i am now concerned about what will happen

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Which school are you linked to?


Do you think all schools will become an academy in time? it seems to be a political viewpoint that Gove wants schools to become an academy.


I reckon they will be. Labour started with the failing schools and forced them into academy status, Gove has then made incentives for outstanding schools to change to academy status making it unable for them to refuse (funding issues) The next target is the middle of the road schools. Reminds me of the phrase.


First they came for the communists,

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.


Then they came for the trade unionists,

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.


Then they came for the Jews,

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.


I think it is quite sad that it has all been done quietly, parent concern often ignored and schools really have no option but to do it. I think most of Sheffield's secondary schools are academies or will be by September. I'm sure all the promised extra money for turning will go within 7 years.


I think it should have been a national debate not something hidden away and slowly crept out throughout the country. It might be a good thing in the long run but without discussion the implications have not been explored.

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The Governors need to be looking at their 'Academy' status if there's been 6 headteachers in 6 years especially if they've all left due to stress.


The wellfare of all staff should be a priority to Governors.


If the school reverts back to a 'normal' school (although Im not sure how easy this process is) should allievate the immediate stress of running an academy.


There is alot more pressure on a head teacher running an academy than a normal school.


I can't imagine there is any chance on earth that the current government would allow any school to revert back to being a normal school.


Struggling school are being forced to become academies, not vice versa.

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Schools that are outstanding get almost immediate approval for academy status.

Schools that are underperforming are more likely to be picked off by academy chains. What we currently have is a situation where schools are choosing academy status with their own choice of sponsor (or partner) rather than being done to and not having any element of choice.


Whilst academy schools do get their own budgets for the "back office functions" like HR etc they are still free to purchase many authority services or seek comparative market offers (usually cheaper).


The local authority role is, generally, becoming decimated, and replaced by the free market. Equally we'll see a shift over time in curriculum, term times, school day etc till education looks nothing like it does today.

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I know that I will be putting my concerns regarding this in writing as I have spoken to many parents regarding this and it seems no one was asked their opinion about this and even worse than that neither were the kids


.... and what would you expect to achieve by that?

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