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Sheffield Springs Academy New Head? 6 in 6 years can not be right?

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to voice concern and try my best to make sure my child recieves the best education possible which as a parent I should be doing


If you think that the governors have not chosen the best person for the job, perhaps you have your child in the wrong school?

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Hi, some really good comments here...esp. from Evei. It's good to see that other parents?/teachers?/governors?/'stakeholders'? are concerned about the issue of macademies being introduced in Sheffield. The turnover of heads may be an indication that they're not all they're cracked-up to be by Mikey Gove. Check out what's been going on in Bradfield School.

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Guest sibon
Hi, some really good comments here...esp. from Evei. It's good to see that other parents?/teachers?/governors?/'stakeholders'? are concerned about the issue of macademies being introduced in Sheffield. The turnover of heads may be an indication that they're not all they're cracked-up to be by Mikey Gove. Check out what's been going on in Bradfield School.


Are you sure that you are accurately representing events in Bradfield School?

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Are you sure that you are accurately representing events in Bradfield School?


Believe everything the school and its leadership tells you about the macademy conversion process. Trust in the word of the leaders and you will be fine. The staff are 110% or more behind the process at the school and inspired to the hilt to boot. You couldn't ask for more than this. So, no, the observations about Bradfield are totally erroneous, confused and unfounded whereas the behaviour of the powers-that-be is gilded in unimpeachable 24 carat integrity. You smart thing you - hit the nail square on the head.

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Guest sibon
Believe everything the school and its leadership tells you about the macademy conversion process. Trust in the word of the leaders and you will be fine. The staff are 110% or more behind the process at the school and inspired to the hilt to boot. You couldn't ask for more than this. So, no, the observations about Bradfield are totally erroneous, confused and unfounded whereas the behaviour of the powers-that-be is gilded in unimpeachable 24 carat integrity. You smart thing you - hit the nail square on the head.


I simply asked you a question.


You might want to review your answer in the morning:wink:

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My daughter's school in Lincolnshire converted to Academy status on 2010 and has seen standards raised since then with huge investment in buildings and equipment especially IT together with clamping down on bad behaviour and bullying.

She is only in Year 7 so didn't know the school pre-academy but my niece has been in the school 6 years and has commented on the general raising of standards.

The fact that a new Principal started at the same time may have alot to do with it.

At the open evenings I was very impressed by his vision for the school's future and his determination to raise standards in all areas across the school.

I know its obvious but in the more deprived areas where parental support is lacking and general education standards are below average a strong head with good competent staff under him/her is vital if you are to give the children the best chance possible.

A good teacher can make a disinterested under achieving student into one that will reach their full potential.

An average teacher can be made to look good teaching at Notre Dame or Sheffield High because the raw materials are so much better, its when they are thrown in at the deep end that their true worth is tested.

So all Academies aren't hotbeds for religeous maniacs who will brainwash your childrena nd they aren't all run "just like a business" only looking at costs. A good school will still be a good school

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I simply asked you a question.


You might want to review your answer in the morning:wink:


You're right, handbags stowed, and reply duly reviewed after what felt like a pleasanly mild rebuke from a firm-but-fair rosey-cheeked head teacher. Like many, the opposition isn't to academies per se (we could echo some of GrannyGranny's great points, for example), but to the process of their introduction. We're trying to offer a little balance to the lack of transparency, poor direct parent-community engagement, and cynical strategic manipulation and bias in the way the school went/is going about the process. The macademy die is cast but questions need to be raised regarding what the community is not told or 'half-told' when being asked to support change as it affects so many. Support the teachers and other staff, they're in for a bumpy ride. Cheers.

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Guest sibon
You're right, handbags stowed, and reply duly reviewed after what felt like a pleasanly mild rebuke from a firm-but-fair rosey-cheeked head teacher. Like many, the opposition isn't to academies per se (we could echo some of GrannyGranny's great points, for example), but to the process of their introduction. We're trying to offer a little balance to the lack of transparency, poor direct parent-community engagement, and cynical strategic manipulation and bias in the way the school went/is going about the process. The macademy die is cast but questions need to be raised regarding what the community is not told or 'half-told' when being asked to support change as it affects so many. Support the teachers and other staff, they're in for a bumpy ride. Cheers.


I'm always right:cool: I'm not a Head teacher though, rosy cheeked, or otherwise.


GrannyGranny made some excellent points in her post above. You are also correct to be sceptical about academy conversion. Like it or not, most schools are destined to become academies in the near future.


I don't think that the staff of Bradfield, or any other school have much to fear. They will be TUPEd over. Headteachers have powers to change conditions of service anyway, so academy status will make no real difference there. Are you sure that the staff oppose the conversion?


In many ways, being run by a board of trustees/ governors who are close to the school is preferable to being run by SCC education department. Local decisions are often the best ones. As a bonus, you could stand for election to the board of Governors, if you aren't already a member. That way, you get to take part in the decision making.


Local democracy, isn't it great.

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