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Sheffield Springs Academy New Head? 6 in 6 years can not be right?

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Gotcha, it wasn’t difficult. But you have been fun!... “Holy constipation Batman”…”Is this what I think it is?...a whinger calling a whinger a whinger?”….”Indeed Sobin, some are born to whinge, some achieve whingeiness and others have whingeing thrust upon them, yet others, young sibon, lie back and take it.”.


“Holy ridiculous, life as a doormat, eh Batman?” “Indeed young chum, indeed”. “What should we tell people Batman?” “Well, Sobin, something like….

Whingers of the world unite, get it out when you’re clogged-up. Don’t hold it in. Follow the leads in commissioner Gove’s good book, ‘Better a whinger than an apologist be’ or ‘Better out than in’ or even ‘With a friend like this who needs enemas?’… Sheer purgative wisdom if ever there was, Sobin”


“Holy guacamole, Batman”….“That’ll do it, young chum”


You’ve been such a good laugh we’re off for a bit of a whinge elsewhere, thanks -roger and out - l.o.b.o, l.o.c.o, l.o.s.o, l.o.g.o & l.o.t.o ….we’re off to see the whinger, the wonderful whinger of oz.


Is it a midnight-related issue you suffer from, Braddy?

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The stress of the job is enormous.


There is a major shortage of headteachers across the country - nobody wants the job, it seems to come with a guarenteed nervous breakdown. Many do not stay long.


It's also very common for retired heads to die within 5 years of retiring.


I think this is a myth,and many workers such as miners died before retiring.Similarly there is a so-called shortage of applicants-despite this most schools seem to have heads.

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Indeed. And one of the reasons schools are always recruiting new teachers -the salvation of many an out of work graduate.


But teaching requires long hours, flair and dedication, a good teacher often has a gift for it. Taking the job on because you can't get anything else is simply not good enough, as many graduates soon find out.


Half of all teachers leave within 5 years of starting the job. Which is a shocking statistic in anybody's book, and says a great deal about the state of education in this country.


It is because colleges pass teachers who are inadequate - working in a difficult school exposes their deficiencies.Many contemporary teachers are semi-literate and innumerous:hihi:

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6 headteachers in 6 years - that can't be good for the school


Its to do with statistics apparently. The headteachers of all schools and colleges have to meet certain targets and if they don't they get the boot. The fact it may have a good ofsted rating doesn't really count. If the generalised percentage is lower than say 97% then it goes against the headteacher regardless despite it usually being the parents fault or the child just not turning up

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You're right, handbags stowed, and reply duly reviewed after what felt like a pleasanly mild rebuke from a firm-but-fair rosey-cheeked head teacher. Like many, the opposition isn't to academies per se (we could echo some of GrannyGranny's great points, for example), but to the process of their introduction. We're trying to offer a little balance to the lack of transparency, poor direct parent-community engagement, and cynical strategic manipulation and bias in the way the school went/is going about the process. The macademy die is cast but questions need to be raised regarding what the community is not told or 'half-told' when being asked to support change as it affects so many. Support the teachers and other staff, they're in for a bumpy ride. Cheers.


Why say something with 1 word when you can say it with 100???

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Also, there's surprising trust in stepping away from SCC when it has offered very reasonable proposals of cooperation and confederation with other local schools. As for local democracy - believe us - they wouldn't let us within a million miles of the closed shop of the board of governors -actually governed by the supreme leader. Would you want to be part of a board that was willing to make valuable, conscientious and caring members of staff redundant? Integrity, transparency and decency must count for something for some people. Support the staff. Bye...the vicarious study of sphere dynamics calls.


That would be the local education authority that has made all their education consultants redundant and removed most services schools used to access without returning any of the funding ear marked for those services back to schools?

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That would be the local education authority that has made all their education consultants redundant and removed most services schools used to access without returning any of the funding ear marked for those services back to schools?


Yet kept all their tenured Council employees in place?


Sheffield Education Authority are responsible for the abysmal standards of education in this region.


They should all be disposed of without reward.

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It could be cool if schools took a more military approach to teaching. It could actually change this country from a disheveled shell of a once great nation and may be put us back at the top once more.

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Yet kept all their tenured Council employees in place?


Sheffield Education Authority are responsible for the abysmal standards of education in this region.


They should all be disposed of without reward.


It's exactly the same in Barnsley where, to my knowledge, there isn't a single secondary school that has been judged as 'good' or higher by ofsted.

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Guest sibon


Sheffield Education Authority are responsible for the abysmal standards of education in this region.


They should all be disposed of without reward.


That is exactly what the academy programme will achieve.

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