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Sheffield Springs Academy New Head? 6 in 6 years can not be right?

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You haven't really got the hang of this debating lark, have you.


"Holy whine Batman"..."Shot through Sobin, young chum, shot through"......"Batman, is it a debate when quislings take part?"...."Good question Sobin, but no it isn't..... Nor is it when fictional superheros show up to chip-in, but who's counting?"


Don't fret chuck.

At least you've given the Sheffield Forum an opportunity for a really good laugh.

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Is it a midnight-related issue you suffer from' date=' Braddy?[/quote']


Not even close Jacky baby. But it is brilliant, don't you think, that those who simply question the sons and daughters of Gove, or just ask for a bit of balanced information, get: cgksheff=whine; gnvqvsos=whinge, which is strange as she/he seems to be in tune with working people...teachers are those too...just different!; hook=whinge & whine; sci fi= frightening; sibon= whiney, whingey whining. What a nasty fundamentalist bunch - very easily exposed. A good laugh nevertheless!


Support the teachers; support the health and social workers; support the council workers; support the industrial workers; support the police; support the fireservice, support the doctors. Support the poor, care for those less well 'resourced' than yourselves. Show some compassionate conservatism.

"Holy succinctness Batman"...."Not quite Sobin, not quite, but we'll get there" : ) "Sobin, it's nearly 9 pm.....bedtime young buddy!"

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Not even close Jacky baby. But it is brilliant, don't you think, that those who simply question the sons and daughters of Gove, or just ask for a bit of balanced information, get: cgksheff=whine; gnvqvsos=whinge, which is strange as she/he seems to be in tune with working people...teachers are those too...just different!; hook=whinge & whine; sci fi= frightening; sibon= whiney, whingey whining. What a nasty fundamentalist bunch - very easily exposed. A good laugh nevertheless!


Support the teachers; support the health and social workers; support the council workers; support the industrial workers; support the police; support the fireservice, support the doctors. Support the poor, care for those less well 'resourced' than yourselves. Show some compassionate conservatism.

"Holy succinctness Batman"...."Not quite Sobin, not quite, but we'll get there" : ) "Sobin, it's nearly 9 pm.....bedtime young buddy!"



How very dare you?


You just haven't got a clue.


Your website/blog is the best place for your irrational rants.


If you want to discuss Academies or Bradfield in particular, go and start a thread ... or join a thread that already exists on the subject.

There may be very good reasons why Bradfield should not take the Academy route, but you are not doing them any favours.


Springs has its own problems and your cobblers is contributing nothing whatsoever.

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Guest sibon


Support the teachers;


Just imagine if half of the people on your ridiculously dismissive list were teachers. How would that make you feel?


In the spirit of debate, and an attempt to find out whether you can string a coherent argument together, why not tell us all why you oppose the academy programme?

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Not even close Jacky baby. But it is brilliant, don't you think, that those who simply question the sons and daughters of Gove, or just ask for a bit of balanced information, get: cgksheff=whine; gnvqvsos=whinge, which is strange as she/he seems to be in tune with working people...teachers are those too...just different!; hook=whinge & whine; sci fi= frightening; sibon= whiney, whingey whining. What a nasty fundamentalist bunch - very easily exposed. A good laugh nevertheless!



Well, to be fair, and ignoring the fact that I can't read a 24 hour time stamp, I haven't seen any whinging. Just attempted debate. Perhaps you could quote some whinging - just to put me right.



Support the teachers; support the health and social workers; support the council workers; support the industrial workers; support the police; support the fireservice, support the doctors. Support the poor, care for those less well 'resourced' than yourselves.


Yup. I do that, thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

According to an article in The Guardian, there's some turmoil at Sheffield Springs Academy this year.


"Some well-known academies are facing an exodus of teachers this summer, Speed Read has learned. Sheffield Springs academy, run by the United Learning Trust charity, is poised to lose at least 25 teaching staff, insiders tell us, while the troubled school is on its third principal of the academic year. This comes after a new permanent head was recently appointed, only to then turn the post down, the ULT citing "family circumstances". In February, Ofsted inspectors criticised the "significant instability in leadership and management" since the academy was established in 2006, as it was then on its fifth principal in that time. Now it's on its sixth."


25 teachers leaving, 3 headteachers in 1 year, and the new headteacher withdrawing from post before starting the job...


Does this sort of thing happen often?

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one of the problems is that the council spent millions along with private funding, but they still fail many blame the kids but it's not them at all, these schools should reevaluate their teaching methods and change the syllabus, basic 3 Rs should be taught no matter what, and the kids on an individual basis and ask them what they wanted to learn, its no good forcing kids to learn history, and geography when they have no interest in these subjects. if adults want to learn about being a mechanic they would go to colleage and they are doing stuff they want to do, the same should be for kids and school leavers teach them what they want to learn about,

i am 60 and when i was at school we had to learn the usual lessons and apart from metal work, science, history and 1 or 2 others, kids today dont want to learn about how many wifes henry the 8th had or art they have no use for that imformation how will they use it in real life, only the divorce rate was high then as now, teach modern stuff like whats going on in afghanistan and modern economics subjects, they will use and need in the future give them choices of lessons maybe then there will be less truanting, or skiving off school faking sore throats give them a referendum on what they want that way the will learn modern politics, sorry to have gone on my 13 yr old grandaughter in new zealand are taught the way i would would have been given choices

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one of the problems is that the council spent millions along with private funding, but they still fail many blame the kids but it's not them at all, these schools should reevaluate their teaching methods and change the syllabus, basic 3 Rs should be taught no matter what, and the kids on an individual basis and ask them what they wanted to learn, its no good forcing kids to learn history, and geography when they have no interest in these subjects. if adults want to learn about being a mechanic they would go to colleage and they are doing stuff they want to do, the same should be for kids and school leavers teach them what they want to learn about,

i am 60 and when i was at school we had to learn the usual lessons and apart from metal work, science, history and 1 or 2 others, kids today dont want to learn about how many wifes henry the 8th had or art they have no use for that imformation how will they use it in real life, only the divorce rate was high then as now, teach modern stuff like whats going on in afghanistan and modern economics subjects, they will use and need in the future give them choices of lessons maybe then there will be less truanting, or skiving off school faking sore throats give them a referendum on what they want that way the will learn modern politics, sorry to have gone on my 13 yr old grandaughter in new zealand are taught the way i would would have been given choices


Its nice to note someone is an adherent of good English:hihi:.What would you teach about Afghanistan,because the typical teacher knows very little,and politicians even less.

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Given that most secondary head teachers get paid around £100,000 a year you would think they would be a bit more resilient.


That said, I think I would rather be shot at by the Taliban than be in the firing line that head teachers are. At least the shots usually come from one side in Afganistan.

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