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High velocity surface to air missiles, great news?

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Are they planning to shoot aircraft down over London?Think of the damage an out of control aircraft could create,it could crash land anywhere.Missiles along the coast possibly.

Even that would need a massive no fly zone.


in all likelihood a plane that needed shooting down over London would be headed for the most densely populated areas, such as the venues or central London. shooting it down would mean it would be out of control and so the odds of it crashing and killing large numbers of people (relatively speaking) are diminished.

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I had to read this twice and I'm truly bemused by the decision to locate high velocity surface to air missiles on the roof of an East London apartment block.


Just to add insult to injury the occupants of these apartments will be host to the army and the police for the duration of the Olympics and their building landlord is trying to pass this off as 'great news'.:hihi:


How would you guys feel if you were living there and had to tolerate this imposition?


Personally I'd be bloody furious, but from a distance this is pure comedy gold.:hihi:


Read all about it:hihi:


I take it 9/11 passed you by then comrade?

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If this is an efford to protect against what they call terrorism. Things move on and new ideas and surprises are always there in life.

No matter what they do to avoid the past from repeating, new fresh ideas are always there and much harder to detect.


Energy comes from polar opposites. The more you charge them the more energy is there.

The harder they act from fear and energy is invested to protect, the more intense the opposite pole will be as well. That is natural, and then you are inviting conflict by charging the defensive opposite to increase tension.


Most people cannot admit this and wil allways blame the other side and deny involvement. Saying they are bad we are good. Neither side is right or wrong but they do increase conflict by increasing tension.

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I had to read this twice and I'm truly bemused by the decision to locate high velocity surface to air missiles on the roof of an East London apartment block.




Would you rather have low-velocity missiles on somebody else's roof?


If you want to stick a mobile phone mast on my roof, you can - but it will cost you!


That mobile phone mast will be irradiating my gonads with tiny little microwaves every second of every day. It's OK. I've got the balls (and I'm a grandfather ;))


Now, these SAMS:


Whose roof are you going to put them on?


How often are you going to fire them?


If you're going ot put them on MY roof, we're going to have to talk about it. It's my roof. I paid for it. You will have to pay big bucks to put them there.


If, of course, you're going to put them on a council roof (a roof which somebody else is paying for) then should not the people who pay for the roof (or their representatives) have a say in the matter?


Who else should have a say?


I live in Florida. Should I have a say in the services (including Air Defence) which are provided to you?

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I'm not sure I'd want to be flying out of any London airports with all these extra SAMs around.


It's probably all posturing with very little threat of an air attack, and even if there was it could be mitigated by stationing some Typhoons down there.

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If this is an efford to protect against what they call terrorism. Things move on and new ideas and surprises are always there in life.

No matter what they do to avoid the past from repeating, new fresh ideas are always there and much harder to detect.


Well, I'm old. I do know a bit about SAMS. (I spent much of my life preparing [and practising] to fly against them.)


Energy comes from polar opposites. The more you charge them the more energy is there.

The harder they act from fear and energy is invested to protect, the more intense the opposite pole will be as well. That is natural, and then you are inviting conflict by charging the defensive opposite to increase tension.


That may indeed be so Sir. I regret that I have no qualifications in esoterics. (A Bachelor's degree, a Master's and a professional qualification ... I was somewhere else when they were handing out degrees in esoterics.


I do, however, speak pretty good English.


Would you mind translating the following paragraphs into English?


Energy comes from polar opposites. The more you charge them the more energy is there.

The harder they act from fear and energy is invested to protect, the more intense the opposite pole will be as well. That is natural, and then you are inviting conflict by charging the defensive opposite to increase tension.


Most people cannot admit this and wil allways blame the other side and deny involvement. Saying they are bad we are good. Neither side is right or wrong but they do increase conflict by increasing tension.


I decline to be gratuitously rude. I'm not going to try to make you look a Prat (I don't get paid to do that and it would be extremely rude for me to interrupt you when you are doing such a sterling job all on your own.)


How does 'saying neither side is right nor wrong' prove one side of an argument?


I'm absolutely intrigued by your claim that "Energy comes from polar opposites. The more you charge them the more energy is there."


Bert (Einstein) had another set of rules.


Would you care to debate the differences?

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