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High velocity surface to air missiles, great news?

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Would you rather have low-velocity missiles on somebody else's roof?


Not sure about the low velocity bit, but militarising a residential apartment block seems a step too far IMO.


If you want to stick a mobile phone mast on my roof, you can - but it will cost you!


That mobile phone mast will be irradiating my gonads with tiny little microwaves every second of every day. It's OK. I've got the balls (and I'm a grandfather ;))


If you found yourself directly below a cell site your gonads would be in the safest place from that particular site and you would indeed be well compensated.


Now, these SAMS:


Whose roof are you going to put them on?


I would have thought a non residential building, preferably in a non residential area.


How often are you going to fire them?


Hopefully never.


If you're going ot put them on MY roof, we're going to have to talk about it. It's my roof. I paid for it. You will have to pay big bucks to put them there.


If, of course, you're going to put them on a council roof (a roof which somebody else is paying for) then should not the people who pay for the roof (or their representatives) have a say in the matter?


Who else should have a say?


The people who live in or near the building should have a say, many of the people who live in that particular block have paid for their apartments and have been given no say in the matter whatsoever, no doubt the building management company have been well compensated.


I live in Florida. Should I have a say in the services (including Air Defence) which are provided to you?


NO! - but I suspect that the US do have a say.

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Well, I'm old. I do know a bit about SAMS. (I spent much of my life preparing [and practising] to fly against them.)


That may indeed be so Sir. I regret that I have no qualifications in esoterics. (A Bachelor's degree, a Master's and a professional qualification ... I was somewhere else when they were handing out degrees in esoterics.


I do, however, speak pretty good English.


Would you mind translating the following paragraphs into English?


Energy comes from polar opposites. The more you charge them the more energy is there.

The harder they act from fear and energy is invested to protect, the more intense the opposite pole will be as well. That is natural, and then you are inviting conflict by charging the defensive opposite to increase tension.




I decline to be gratuitously rude. I'm not going to try to make you look a Prat (I don't get paid to do that and it would be extremely rude for me to interrupt you when you are doing such a sterling job all on your own.)


How does 'saying neither side is right nor wrong' prove one side of an argument?


I'm absolutely intrigued by your claim that "Energy comes from polar opposites. The more you charge them the more energy is there."


Bert (Einstein) had another set of rules.


Would you care to debate the differences?


Your english is nothing but a programmed social habit taught to you from childhood. You were not born with english, now it is there on the surface after parents and schools have told you that this is your identity and now you have forgotten you are much more than your english.

You have forgotten how to see your true nature and falsely believe english is your identity. You will find out when you die or sooner if you start investigating your true inner identity.


The more energy invested in fighting terrorism the more terrorism wil be kept alive. Give it attention and terrorism will appreciate the attention.


Neither side is right and neither side is wrong can only be understood when you see the harmony that life exist in. Many problems like terrorism come from efford to push or pull control of selfish social habits one way and fight the opposite.

Both sides say they are right and the other is wrong. My answer is that neither side is right as neither side is capable to find a natural harmony in finding a way to communicate at equal level with one another.

Neither side is wrong there is no real proof one side knows better than the other. What if terrorism is right and we are wrong? Anything is possible it really is! Nobody can truthfully claim he knows because its claims are based on believes while denying the possibility of being wrong even if it is very unlikely.

As soon as you choose one side you do this by denying the opposite, your doors are closed unaware you could be as stupid as you think the opposite party is. Both partys think that way towards the other side.


I don't support terrorism. I do believe fighting it will put wood on the fire of its existence and make the fire bigger than it was.


Put both poles at the same level of charge and no energy wil flow between them little happens. Increase tension of the opposites and stronger will be the need for something to happen.

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