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How Old is grandma?

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How Old is grandma?



Stay with this -- the answer is at the end. It may blow you away. One evening


a grandson was talking to his grandmother about current events. The grandson


asked his grandmother what she thought about the shootings at schools, the


computer age, and just things in general..


The Grandmother replied, "Well, let me think a minute, I was born before:

' television

' penicillin

' polio shots

' frozen foods

' Xerox

' contact lenses

' Frisbees and

' the pill

There were no:

' credit cards

' laser beams or

' ball-point pens

Man had not invented:

' pantyhose

' air conditioners

' dishwashers

' clothes dryers

' and the clothes were hung out to dry in the fresh air and


' space travel was only in Flash Gordon books.



Your Grandfather and I got married first, ... .... ... and then lived together..

Every family had a father and a mother.

Until I was 25, I called every man older than me, "Sir".

And after I turned 25, I still called policemen and every man with a title, "Sir."

We were before gay-rights, computer-dating, dual careers, daycare centers, and group therapy.

Our lives were governed by the The Bible, good judgment, and common sense.

We were taught to know the difference between right and wrong and to stand up and take responsibility for our actions.

Serving your country was a privilege; living in this country was a bigger privilege...

We thought fast food was eating half a biscuit while running to catch the school bus.


Having a meaningful relationship meant getting along with your cousins.

Draft dodgers were those who closed front doors as the evening breeze started.

Time-sharing meant time the family spent together in the evenings and weekends-not purchasing condominiums.


We never heard of FM radios, tape decks, CDs, electric typewriters, yogurt, or guys wearing earrings.

We listened to Big Bands, Jack Benny, and the President's speeches on our radios.

And I don't ever remember any kid blowing his brains out listening to Tommy Dorsey.

If you saw anything with 'Made in Japan ' on it, it was junk

The term 'making out' referred to how you did on your school exam....

Pizza Hut, McDonald's, and instant coffee were unheard of.

We had 5 &10-cent stores where you could actually buy things for 5 and 10 cents.

Ice-cream cones, phone calls, rides on a streetcar, and a Pepsi were all a nickel.

And if you didn't want to splurge, you could spend your nickel on enough stamps to mail 1 letter and 2 postcards.

You could buy a new Ford Coupe for $600, . .. . but who could afford one?

Too bad, because gas was 11 cents a gallon.

In my day:

' "grass" was mowed,

' "coke" was a cold drink,

' "pot" was something your mother cooked in and

' "rock music" was your grandmother's lullaby.

' "Aids" were helpers in the Principal's office,

' "chip" meant a piece of wood,

' "hardware" was found in a hardware store and

' "software" wasn't even a word.




And we were the last generation to actually believe that a lady needed a husband to have a baby.

No wonder people call us "old and confused" and say there is a generation gap. or from the archives

How old do you think I am? I bet you have this old lady in mind....you are in for a shock! Read on to

see -- pretty scary if you think about it and pretty sad at the same time.



Are you ready ?????



She is 59 years old.


(From an email obviously)


I would have guessed around 86 without googling any of the prices.

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Penicillin ?


was found way before this grandmother was born.


Many of you are here only because penicillin saved your life, or the life of one of your parents or grandparents. Penicillin's ability to cure people of many once-fatal bacterial infections has saved so many lives that it is easy to understand why it was once called a "miracle drug".


Antibiotics are chemicals, effective at very low concentrations, created as part of the life process of one organism, which can kill or stop the growth of a disease-causing microbe--a germ. In 1929, Alexander Fleming, a doctor and researcher at St. Mary's Hospital in London, England, published a paper on a chemical he called "penicillin", which he had isolated from from a mold, Penicillium notatum. Penicillin, Fleming wrote, had prevented the growth of a neighboring colony of germs in the same petri dish. Dr. Fleming was never able to purify his samples of penicillin, but he became the first person to publish the news of its germ-killing power. Howard Florey, Ernst Chain and Norman Heatley expanded on Fleming's work in 1938, at Oxford University. They and their staff developed methods for growing, extracting and purifying enough penicillin to prove its value as a drug.

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What a load of rubbish, the first TV programme was aired in 1936. I'm 61 and we had a TV in 1953 when I was two and some of the other inventions were in the late 1800's - so was Grandma living in Mongolia?

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I'd say at least 60, Queens coronation, 60 years ago, I believe was one of the first televised programmes :)


The Queens Coronation was in 1953, Leah and it wasn't one of the first televised programmes - that was in 1936. She came to throne in 1952. They're having celebrations this year so that they can con us to do it again next year:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Incidentally the frisbee as a concept dates back to the 1820's but the plastic version we know came into existence in 1948 before I was born and as I said I'm 61:D Think Grandma is telling porkies about her age or her memory has gone

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