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Girl plays on her mobile phone right through a theatre performance !

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I 'accidentaly' broke someone's phone in the cinema once after the same sort of thing happened, I of course asked them to refrain from using it twice, nothing happened so I grabbed it and the screen somehow broke :-s stopped them using it!!lol

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My nephew had to go to see that Friday night with school as part of their GCSE's, so maybe they were there under sufferance rather than choice:hihi:


She was probably on facebook telling everyone what a good time she was having and how marvellous it was :hihi: Why do people do that? It amuses me no end when people put a status 'I'm at **** and having a brilliant time' - well if you're having such brilliant time wtf are you doing on facebook :roll::hihi:

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My other half works at the Hippodrome in Birmingham and anyone seen using a mobile phone is warned to turn it off. If they persist the staff shine their torch in their face. If all else fails they are made to leave, by Security if necessary.

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My nephew had to go to see that Friday night with school as part of their GCSE's, so maybe they were there under sufferance rather than choice:hihi:



That will explain why it was full of teens when I saw it on Saturday afternoon. Everyone seemed to be attentive enough when I went.


It's a great play to study. As relevant today as it was when written.

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Not in a theatre,but i took my 12 year old daughter to London for the weekend (birthday treat)

She was constantly on her Blackberry(updating FBook)every minute she was awake.

On the London Eye,i don't think she actually raised her head to enjoy the views.

I eventually got annoyed with her,and told her she would wear her fingers out,and finish up with 2 stumps. Haha!


I think you are negligent and need to be more assertive with your daughter-she is clearly ignoring you and treating you contemptuously.she is spoilt.

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Coz hell hath no fury like a spoilt rug-rat scorned.:D


Poor dicipline will lead her down a bad path.

You should deal with her right whilst you still have the chance but im thinking the way you find her disobedient behaviour funny then you arent much of a role model so the poor kid is doomed.

Like so many of our youth :(

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