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Girl plays on her mobile phone right through a theatre performance !

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Because of inconsiderate behavior like this, I'm reluctant to spend money on concert and theater tickets. Too many times I've forked out $80 or more, only to spend the evening sitting next to teens with cell phones, drunken idiots singing, couples groping each other and old friends conversing about their gallbladder surgeries. No more.


My parents and older sister took me to all kinds of shows -- Shakespeare, classical concerts, ballet, films -- when I was young. They gave me a little background so I could understand what was happening and they explained how a person should behave at the theater. If I had misbehaved, I would not have been allowed to go again.

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I was at that performance on Saturday evening and, I'm surprised that the Lyceum staff didn't do something. Where we were seated (stalls) the staff were very vigilant, in fact there was a staff member at each end of a row where a chap in the middle was seen to be looking at his mobile as the lights went down, they both shone their torches toward him, he soon got the message.


Ahh, that was why there weren`t any ushers in the balcony, they were all in the stalls !

Incidentally, did you also think the play took ages to get going ? For the first 10 or so minutes we thought we`d come to some abstract arty farty interpretation of what`s actually a really good story, it was all kids running around and staring at curtains ! !

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Ahh, that was why there weren`t any ushers in the balcony, they were all in the stalls !

Incidentally, did you also think the play took ages to get going ? For the first 10 or so minutes we thought we`d come to some abstract arty farty interpretation of what`s actually a really good story, it was all kids running around and staring at curtains ! !


We've seen "An Inspector Calls" several times over the years and, yes, we were bemused by the children in the cast. As you say, the staring at curtains and sitting in a 'phone box with the inspector taking long looks at the child had us confused, I still don't understand that, maybe it's a bit too deep and meaningful for me to comprehend.

We go to the Sheffield theatres on a monthly basis and, if my enjoyment was marred by someone with a mobile etc. I would tactfully inform staff.

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