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Advice on how to bulk-up weight?

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My son wants to build-up his body-weight to look bigger in size. He attends a gym and does ok.


The purpose of this thread is to ask advice on what to eat to bulk-up. I don't really want him on these muscle build-up shakes and stuff, would like him to gain weight through eating the correct food to build-up body mass. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


Come on all you muscle-men, give me some tips on how too fill him out.



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My son wants to build-up his body-weight to look bigger in size. He attends a gym and does ok.


The purpose of this thread is to ask advice on what to eat to bulk-up. I don't really want him on these muscle build-up shakes and stuff, would like him to gain weight through eating the correct food to build-up body mass. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


Come on all you muscle-men, give me some tips on how too fill him out.




He is playing a dangerous game as muscle bound men look stupid and can suffer in later life-look at Frank Bruno.

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If your sons like me no matter what or how much he eats it won't really make much difference. I go thru stages of protein shakes and creatin capsules, these work for me, along with a healthy varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. If your son is wanting to go down the arnold swartsineger route then he won't be able to eat the amounts if protein he requires to build up like that, that's why these supplements exist.. If he just wants to put on a bit and tone up then the list of high protein foods will be most usefull to him.

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