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Giving up drink

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There isn't one, I just choose not to do it.




That may be the wrong thing to ask me, I didn't stop because I had a 'problem', I stopped because I wanted to, I don't like being drunk or the after effects of being drunk. I also don't have the experience to answer wether someone who is 'dependant' on it will return to a uncontrollable drinking.


I don't demonise alcohol, as I said in my first post, my wife and some friends drink, I certainly don't sit there saying that they're going to all become alcoholics and their livers will explode. I prefer to give people the respect that they are responsible enough to be accountable for their own actions.


If I saw a friend becoming 'controlled' by drink I would suggest that maybe they were drinking too much, but I think most of my friends who drink would do the same so I wouldn't say that is someone who doesn't drink demonising it either.


If i was asked for advice or help by a friend who thought they drank too much I would give them any help I could, again without preaching, that's not the way I like to live my life (preaching), I just get on with things and let other people do the same.


I think its admirable,that you have chosen not to drink alcohol even though your wife and friends drink.

I only drink the odd glass of red wine,because we are told it is good for the heart.

Of course we can't be absolutely certain the scientists have got that right,they told us cigarettes were safe at one time,they were even recommended by some doctors.

Some of the knowledge imparted to us we have to take on good faith and hope for the best.:)

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I think its admirable,that you have chosen not to drink alcohol even though your wife and friends drink.

I only drink the odd glass of red wine,because we are told it is good for the heart.

Of course we can't be absolutely certain the scientists have got that right,they told us cigarettes were safe at one time,they were even recommended by some doctors.

Some of the knowledge imparted to us we have to take on good faith and hope for the best.:)


Thankyou Janie.


As I understand it (or should I say as explained to me by a friend with much more knowledge on the subject than I) red wine is good for us because of the anti oxidants it contains. These come from the skin of the grape and can be found in most red skinned fruit. Eating a red apple would have the same benefits without the damaging effect of the alcohol.


I stress that this is what I've been told, I don't know for certain if this is the case.

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Thankyou Janie.


As I understand it (or should I say as explained to me by a friend with much more knowledge on the subject than I) red wine is good for us because of the anti oxidants it contains. These come from the skin of the grape and can be found in most red skinned fruit. Eating a red apple would have the same benefits without the damaging effect of the alcohol.


I stress that this is what I've been told, I don't know for certain if this is the case.


Well we all know science has all the answers don't we. ;)

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