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Is it time to give the three main parties a kicking?

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An extract of one man's opinion who is simply trying to increase sales of their book is hardly a solid counter argument. :rolleyes:


This is one of the biggest problems with the media. They are so despreate to fill their pages with guff that they give up reporting facts and spend far too much time getting the "opinion" "viewpoint" "gossip" from some talking head.


No wonder voters get totally dishartened. Pre and post election all you get are a load of hacks shouting their opinion on the parties. Swinging wildly one side to another depending on what THEY feel like printing/twittering/broadcasting that day. How the hell any of us regular joes are supposed to form a valid vote decision on that is impossible.


Can there not be a rule that when it comes to politics the media keeps their personal opinions to themselves. After all etiquette says that its rude to ramble on about your political opinions when in a group a people.


Facts and genunine news is what we need. If they do something brilliant - report it. If they make balls up - report it. If they are up to no good - report it. but then that's it. full stop.


No.... "our opinion is...." No "lets get an view now from John Sergent/Rod Liddle/Clarkson/Jayne Moore/Lowri Turner/Dick and Dom" becuase it helps nobody and nobody should care. Its just THEIR hot air. Nothing relevant whatsoever.


In the wake of recent events particuarly, its time journalists to stop trying to be celebrities in their own right and remember what their job is supposed to be about.

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An extract of one man's opinion who is simply trying to increase sales of their book is hardly a solid counter argument. :rolleyes:


This is one of the biggest problems with the media. They are so despreate to fill their pages with guff that they give up reporting facts and spend far too much time getting the "opinion" "viewpoint" "gossip" from some talking head.


No wonder voters get totally dishartened. Pre and post election all you get are a load of hacks shouting their opinion on the parties. Swinging wildly one side to another depending on what THEY feel like printing/twittering/broadcasting that day. How the hell any of us regular joes are supposed to form a valid vote decision on that is impossible.


Can there not be a rule that when it comes to politics the media keeps their personal opinions to themselves. After all etiquette says that its rude to ramble on about your political opinions when in a group a people.


Facts and genunine news is what we need. If they do something brilliant - report it. If they make balls up - report it. If they are up to no good - report it. but then that's it. full stop.


No.... "our opinion is...." No "lets get an view now from John Sergent/Rod Liddle/Clarkson/Jayne Moore/Lowri Turner/Dick and Dom" becuase it helps nobody and nobody should care. Its just THEIR hot air. Nothing relevant whatsoever.


In the wake of recent events particuarly, its time journalists to stop trying to be celebrities in their own right and remember what their job is supposed to be about.



An opinion can be biased and/or bigoted. If this is the case then it has no merrit and should be ignored.


On the other hand it can be a well reseached informed opinion by a respected writer who knows what he is talking about and can supply evidence. When that is the case we should listen.


Dominic Sandbrook has the latter you have the former.



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An opinion can be biased and/or bigoted. If this is the case then it has no merrit and should be ignored.


On the other hand it can be a well reseached informed opinion by a respected writer who knows what he is talking about and can supply evidence. When that is the case we should listen.


Dominic Sandbrook has the latter you have the former.




Well researched (allegedly) or not. It had no place in a mass publication during a time when people need clear facts not somebody's view - no matter how clever they are.


Any view and opinion can sway or influence a decision. When it comes to election time its a PERSONAL choice. Nobody should be publishing anything that will influence others.


Parties should only be allowed produce the manifestos and pledges, speak their speaches and that should be it. Quite simply all these "experts", "commentators", and other various talking heads and celebs should butt out and leave us to make our own minds up based on FACTS. Events, times, dates places. That's it.


You can say what you like about this man. He is still only giving an opinion. An opinion from the Oxford and Cambridge educated ex professor who currently resides in Chipping Norton.


Hmmm..... where have I heard that before.

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The Liberal Democrats are the best of the three main parties, its a shame more people can't see it, Labour and the Tories are well past their sell by dates.


The Liberal Democrats are a progressive party which stands for social justice just like Labour, but unlike Labour, aren't obsessed with class and dont seek to create a huge overbearing state.

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