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Is it time to give the three main parties a kicking?

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None of the other parties serve the interests of the country either, all the parties have their own private agendas which serve to make life better for the party members and if the country benefits as a result of these agendas then it's serendipitous.


Not one politician gives a damn about anyone who disagrees with them, not one politician wants a real democracy where they actually have to debate issues and determine what is right with reason.


Politicians just want to be in charge and have their decisions implemented, and anyone who disagrees with those decisions is wrong and can be ignored as far as they are concerned.


This is why Politicians always want a clear majority in the house, so they can steamroller decisions through without debate.


Rubber stamp politics, they don't actually have to do anything except turn up and take the money, the handful of people in the cabinet make the decisions and everything else is just entertainment for the masses.


This is why the the idea of a coalition caused so much distress after the last election.


Not because it was going to be lib-con or lab-lib or some other flavour, and whoever got excluded would whinge about the coalition not being elected and therefore not having a mandate.


But because there was no clear majority, and politicians of different parties would have to negotiate with each other, instead of simply bulldozing legislation handed down from the cabinet through the house, like they usually do.


Politicians would actually have to work instead of just turn up and vote the way the whip told them to.


So whoever you vote for, if they are part of a party you can forget them putting the country first, the party comes first, then themselves and come election time they might remember the electorate exists and throw out a few populist phrases to keep people happy and voting for them


Peter Hitchens who writes for the Mail on Sunday recently said that:


Polititions would have the Queen hung drawn and quartered if they thought it would help them get elected.


This is the standard of politition that we now have.



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Lets face it. All three main parties are in the hands of big business. That is why the country is in the mess it is in. Will you take a chance and vote for someone different in May?



Bout time we gave BNP or EDL a chance.

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Are the public willing to continue to give these double-dipsticks the benefit of a rather large doubt for much longer?





Oh don't be so cruel!


If that was Labour, you'd have the Chief Steward (Lord Bar Steward) beating the survivors around the head to ensure that he (and his wife, who was in the other Jag at the time and couldn't have her hair messed up) were treated in an appropriate socialist manner.


"The working class can kiss my arse - I've got the foreman's job at last."

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Bout time we gave BNP or EDL a chance.


Why? The politics of both the BNP and EDL (forget the platitudes, focus on the politics) are loathsome to many people.


I'm opposed to 'party politics' - I would prefer a 'representative' system (as opposed to the present ochocratic system where people are invited to vote for one mob or the other -knowing full well that neither mob will meet their needs.


I can't be arsed to vote! - Nothing to do with apathy ... there is nobody to vote for.


My political views (Centre, slightly left) are not represented. There is nobody for me to vote for in Sheffield.


Nobody I can trust.


Pretty sad. really.

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So you think that homosexuality is plunging to the depths do you? Are you homophobic because that is how it comes over to me.


Vote Cons ....OUT!


I realise that your powers of recall are not good. ( I assume "Mr Soft" refers to your head". ) It was YOU that inferred a homosexual link between politicians.


As usual with no actual evidence just your usual spiteful, envious, pathetic attempt to denigrate two men with a difficult job to do.

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