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The Bootleg Beatles - last week at the Arena


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I forgot to post this last wednesday, but I wanted to know if anyone else went and what they thought to it?


I found the beatles to be fab once again and they certainly get you up on your feet after a slooowww start to the proceedings.


Stand out tracks for me were- Revolution, Imagine and Hey Jude.


Why no Let It Be Though?


I've seen them before a year ago and the same then as well?

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This is the first time in 5 years i've not been to see them. Doesn't feel like Christmas without seeing The Bootleg Beatles. :) The Arena doesn't suit them all but its alright, i guess they're that popular they have to play a big ugly barn.


but id would have been better if they'd played some songs that we knew!!

I think thats the good thing about them, they don't play the obvious songs. They do the big numbers (Hey Jude is great) and some of the weirder stuff they do aswell. Its a nice mix. I'd love to hear them do some more stuff off The White Album - they have a tendany to jump that completely.

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