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What have the condems done for you

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They have kept Britain from having its credit rating down graded, one of the only major economies in the world to have done so. They have taken power during a troubling time and have done quite well (not very well).


Had Labour still been in power they would have continued to over inflate the public sector and continued to increase the already massive pensions burden that will damage our economy for decades.


Also, the increase in the basic tax level has put a few pounds in my pocket every month.



But here's what the experts say:



---------- Post added 11-02-2013 at 13:41 ----------


just about,dont forget it was liebour who introdced the fuel tax escalator,funny how some people have short memories isnt it.;)


And its funny how some people get their facts wrong:

The fuel price escalator was introduced by the Conservative government in 1993 and set at an annual increase of 3% ahead of inflation


---------- Post added 11-02-2013 at 13:51 ----------


They ensured that Ed Balls didn't get his incompetent hands on the country's cheque book


Ed Balls has a first from Oxford in economics higher than Cameron and has taught economics at Harvard University.


Compare this to Osborne who has never had a job


---------- Post added 11-02-2013 at 13:55 ----------


You don't judge a government on 2 years in power particularly when they are clearing up Labour's mess.


Labour in 13 years tripled the countries debt. They increased unemployment and drove out key manufacturers such as Ford, Vauxhaul, Rover, Toshiba.

They also ran up an unsustainable budget deficit of £175 billion. Now if when the next general election comes arouind and the government haven't improved on all those things I will judge them harshly and look elsewhere for where to place my vote.


The deficit was to save the Banks. Cameron would have done the same as did all the other countries who faced a banking crisis.

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But here's what the experts say:



---------- Post added 11-02-2013 at 13:41 ----------



And its funny how some people get their facts wrong:

The fuel price escalator was introduced by the Conservative government in 1993 and set at an annual increase of 3% ahead of inflation


Full facts from Wikipedia:


The Fuel Price Escalator (FPE) was the practice of automatically increasing hydrocarbon oil duty (better known as 'fuel duty') in the United Kingdom ahead of inflation. The escalator was introduced in 1993 as a measure to stem the increase in pollution from road transport and cut the need for new road building which was then a politically sensitive topic. The escalator also resulted in significant increases in revenue for The Treasury.


The fuel price escalator was introduced by the Conservative government in 1993 and set at an annual increase of 3% ahead of inflation, later rising to 5%. After gaining power in 1997, the rate of increase was raised by the Labour government to 6% per year. The last rise due to the escalator took place following the budget on 9 March 1999. Tax increases above inflation have not ceased, however: the increase in fuel duty for 2009 was above inflation and the tax is planned to increase "on 1 April from 2010 to 2013 by 1 ppl above indexation in each year."


The end to the escalator was announced on 9 November 2000, following the UK fuel protests, of which it was a contributory factor. When the escalator ended, fuel in the UK was the most expensive in Europe, with fuel tax representing over 75% of the retail price of fuel. In 1993 UK fuel had been amongst the cheapest in Europe.



Conservatives introduced it, Labour increased it.


When the planned 3p fuel duty rise due in August 2012 was postponed until January 2013, Labours Ed Balls welcomed what he described as 'another U-turn'.


Shame he did not have the same scruples in the period 1997 to 2010.

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Full facts from Wikipedia:


The Fuel Price Escalator (FPE) was the practice of automatically increasing hydrocarbon oil duty (better known as 'fuel duty') in the United Kingdom ahead of inflation. The escalator was introduced in 1993 as a measure to stem the increase in pollution from road transport and cut the need for new road building which was then a politically sensitive topic. The escalator also resulted in significant increases in revenue for The Treasury.


The fuel price escalator was introduced by the Conservative government in 1993 and set at an annual increase of 3% ahead of inflation, later rising to 5%. After gaining power in 1997, the rate of increase was raised by the Labour government to 6% per year. The last rise due to the escalator took place following the budget on 9 March 1999. Tax increases above inflation have not ceased, however: the increase in fuel duty for 2009 was above inflation and the tax is planned to increase "on 1 April from 2010 to 2013 by 1 ppl above indexation in each year."


The end to the escalator was announced on 9 November 2000, following the UK fuel protests, of which it was a contributory factor. When the escalator ended, fuel in the UK was the most expensive in Europe, with fuel tax representing over 75% of the retail price of fuel. In 1993 UK fuel had been amongst the cheapest in Europe.



Conservatives introduced it, Labour increased it.


When the planned 3p fuel duty rise due in August 2012 was postponed until January 2013, Labours Ed Balls welcomed what he described as 'another U-turn'.


Shame he did not have the same scruples in the period 1997 to 2010.


Glad you are now agreeing with me. Conservatives introduced it. Correct?


---------- Post added 11-02-2013 at 14:21 ----------


Have a think about what they have taken away ;)


And how Cameron has lied:


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Name 5 politicians who are in the game to improve their community rather than just for personal gain.


Well they all say that they are in politics for the good of their community (whether you agree with them, or their policies is another matter). Notwithstanding, here's my list:


John Mann MP; Peter Tapsell MP; Carloine Lucas MP; Tom Watson and Simon Hughes Mp

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