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What have the condems done for you

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Shock, horror! Do you mean you're actually having to fund your own pension? That can't be right - maybe a strike is in order?



Yeah, maybe they could have a day of shopping................. err, sorry, I mean a day of action. You know, where 20 of the usual suspects get their picture taken on the Town Hall steps and The Star writes a story about how thousands were on the streets in protest.

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Why not slightly broaden the OP's original question, without negative comments if possible. What was the last positive thing any government did for you?


Quite. When you see the news about how poorly Greece, Spain etc. are doing, imagine how our figures would appear without printing £300+ Bn of dodgy money.


And any Government that claims to be remotely interested in keeping inflation down while, at the same time massively jacking up fuel prices is lying (i.e. both of them).


They could reduce fuel to about £1/ltr. And when they bleat about 'lost tax revenues to pay for school, hospitals etc.' don't believe a word of it. They could make up the shortfall by not wasting billions on Afghanistan/Iraq, stop all overseas aid and stop turning this country into the world's dustbin.

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so sending us into a double dip recession is doing quite well?


I don't remember that. I can remember Labour taking us into a recession that dropped GDP by more than 6% and ran up massive debts that threatened to dump us into the credit ratings spiral that Greece, Italy and Spain seem to be suffering.


Since then there has been little growth and a small second dip but that is a good deal better than many of ourEuropean neighbours.


You seem very good at ignoring the fact that the first and massive dip was caused by Labour not the current administration.

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