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What have the condems done for you

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I'm no fan of the labour but hasn't 'deregulation' always been one of the big Tory buzzwords?


They do like to regulate things......to their own advantage. Nothing like a rigged market for making profits. Look at the City - Cameron has the City in his blood he says.

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I sense a tone of desperation. You know Gordon Brown didn't take the world economy down.


What exactly have the coalition put back together? I'm struggling to see anything at all.


You don't judge a government on 2 years in power particularly when they are clearing up Labour's mess.


Labour in 13 years tripled the countries debt. They increased unemployment and drove out key manufacturers such as Ford, Vauxhaul, Rover, Toshiba.

They also ran up an unsustainable budget deficit of £175 billion. Now if when the next general election comes arouind and the government haven't improved on all those things I will judge them harshly and look elsewhere for where to place my vote.

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It might be a buzz word but it wasn't under the Tories that Equitable Life failed. It wasn't under the Tories that Northern Rock failed and it wasn't under the Tories that any of the High Street Banks failed.

Gordon Brown crowed about giving independence to the Bank of England. He set up the FSA to regulate how the institutions were run, and it was after that that the first failures started.


BCCI, Barings, early 1990s small-medium banks crisis. All happened under the Tories.


One key to getting out of this and making sure it doesn't happen again is to understand the systemic failure of regulation of the finance sector under successive governments. Somebody just mentioned the parties working together - this is one area where all parties need to own up to mistakes and agree a decent regulatory framework that can protect the public from predatory, parasitic financial corporations.

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You don't judge a government on 2 years in power particularly when they are clearing up Labour's mess.


Labour in 13 years tripled the countries debt. They increased unemployment and drove out key manufacturers such as Ford, Vauxhaul, Rover, Toshiba.

They also ran up an unsustainable budget deficit of £175 billion. Now if when the next general election comes arouind and the government haven't improved on all those things I will judge them harshly and look elsewhere for where to place my vote.


I think if after 2 years a government is clearly sending the country even further down the tubes then it is time to judge.


The rest of your post is bull poo-poo. You're well aware that rapid debt and deficit increases happened after 2008 aren't you? And I know you know why that happened even though you like to pretend you don't. As for manufacturing job losses blame neoliberal globalisation - supported and facilitated by all the main parties.

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I don't think you can blame Gordon Brown for the implosion of US mortgage giants like Fannie Mae and Freddie mac, no matter how hard you try. The FSA didn't regulate Wall Street, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore etc...


But you're not blaming Gordon Brown for the global crisis are you? Although logically that is the next straw to grasp at I guess when all your other arguments have failed.


Oh dear, another confused leftie. You lot never tire of blaming Thatcher for closing the steelworks even though that was part of a western de-industrialisation that closed steelworks in France, Italy, USA etc etc. If Thatcher was at fault here because she was in charge here then Brown has to take a similar blame. Come on, sort yourselves out. If you are going to have a creed at least make it a consistent one. Either you have an argument or you don't. I suspect you don't.

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I sense a tone of desperation. You know Gordon Brown didn't take the world economy down.


What exactly have the coalition put back together? I'm struggling to see anything at all.



Labour broke the country economically, culturally, spritually and in just about every other way possible. It will take two generations just to pay back what they owed financially. In every other respect the country will never be the same again no matter how hard the government tries. Between 1997 and 2008 Labour broke the country. Between 2008 and 2010 they burned the rubble down.

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Oh dear, another confused leftie. You lot never tire of blaming Thatcher for closing the steelworks even though that was part of a western de-industrialisation that closed steelworks in France, Italy, USA etc etc. If Thatcher was at fault here because she was in charge here then Brown has to take a similar blame. Come on, sort yourselves out. If you are going to have a creed at least make it a consistent one. Either you have an argument or you don't. I suspect you don't.


I never mentioned the steelworks ;)


And if you read my posts very carefully I'm laying blame for the financial crisis on successive governments. Brown deserves some blame for sure. I've never said otherwise.

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Labour broke the country economically, culturally, spritually and in just about every other way possible. It will take two generations just to pay back what they owed financially. In every other respect the country will never be the same again no matter how hard the government tries. Between 1997 and 2008 Labour broke the country. Between 2008 and 2010 they burned the rubble down.


Stop being hysterical. :hihi::hihi:

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