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BOOM - Affordable housing blown up and more youth condemend to homelessness

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I have heard to the contrary, the woman at Urban splash's funky mortgage workshop told me city living in streets in the sky was the future, that it was highly desirable, and that a bedsit was a bargain at only £90k. And that if I bought now, the government would stump up my deposit!


She is trying to sell you something, is it any wonder she is saying its all perfect.

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the problem is no one wants to live in these high rise flats and they are both hard to police and become criminal play grounds.


there is nothing wrong with raising these eyesores! people need quality housing, not concrete monstrosities.


I'd tend to agree with you flats don't make great homes they are just a economical necessity, it's just a shame to see homes being demolished and not being replaced.

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I have heard to the contrary, the woman at Urban splash's funky mortgage workshop told me city living in streets in the sky was the future, that it was highly desirable


It is if you live amongst private tenants. Hate to say it but council tenants do tend to bring an area down somewhat.

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I have heard to the contrary, the woman at Urban splash's funky mortgage workshop told me city living in streets in the sky was the future, that it was highly desirable.


Odd how the rich pay a fortune to live in these over priced luxury 'streets in the sky.' Even more if there's a river nearby.


Solution, tart them up as 'luxury' flats.

Give them a poncey name with the word 'Quays' in the title.

Sell to the rich, (preferably bankers), at exorbitant prices, something they can boast to their friends about.

This will allow the council to make a massive profit and build plenty of suitable council homes for the poor.

Problem solved.

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It has just occurred to me I'm going to have to change my signature soon.


We must be approaching 60% by now!


Or maybe even 100% with the rent rises.


it would be interesting to do a FOI request to this council to see how many houses have been knocked down, and how many of those same plots that they rebuilt on to provide council houses and how many were sold to private companies

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No demand?


What did they do?, make it a 65+ year olds only block?


Sometimes I despair for this city I really do. The social problems it is creating for itself are of immense proportion.


loads of houses to rent in sheffield 12.....and quite a few on the council website.....

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Does anyone know why they knocked down a load of 2 bedroom houses on Parson Cross?


yea. they wanted to sell the land, i used to live on deerlands ave in a 2 bed house and it was fine, not damp or run down in the slightest!!

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yea. they wanted to sell the land, i used to live on deerlands ave in a 2 bed house and it was fine, not damp or run down in the slightest!!


Another bright idea by the council, makes you wonder how they keep their jobs.

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