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Charlton's bakery in Meersbrook

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  • 2 weeks later...


Its a while ago now but theres a comment on this thread saying that the family still own it and are doing it up


Yeah, I read that a while ago but there's been no activity for years. That stretch of road has come along nicely recently with some interesting independent eateries (a creperie, patisserie, Thali cafe, Cafe des Amis). A proper bakery would really help finish it off. I don't see the point in owning a building then leaving it to rot...

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  • 8 months later...
It isn't derelict, an old friend of mine inherited it from his grandfather who owned the bakery and is in the process of doing it up (has been for many years) it is turning out to be a very long process unfortunately as a lot needs doing. A lot has been done on the inside but the frontage hasnt been touched in many years.


Are they still supposed to be working on this? Nothing has changed and it's a real eyesore. The council should step in and force the owner to do something with the mess. It's a blight on the area and several people have expressed interest in putting it to good use. Just because you own something, that shouldn't give you the right to let it fall into such a state of disrepair on a busy shopping street.

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  • 4 weeks later...

At one point it was being converted into a music studio (circa 2006/7). Not sure if that's still the plan - I'd assume after this amount of time, probably not. I know it was taking a while as even the most basic things (i.e the stairs) were dangerous to walk up and needed supporting/replacing. I wish something would happen though because its such a huge space that could be put to good use.

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I wish something would be done with it. Several people have expressed interest in doing good things with it, as the area has seen a great upturn in independent shops, cafes and restaurants and this is a real blight on the area. It seems the owner would rather it sat rotting in a prominent location than a/ make money from it or b/ do his civic duty and not leave an eyesore facing the street. Someone recently put a poster on the outside asking who owned it and it was quickly removed.


The latest I heard was that the owner (apparently the waster grandson of the baker who did put it to good use...) lived upstairs (!), was "doing it up" and had done lots of internal work that wasn't visible from the outside. Hogwash. The council should have the powers to take over buildings like this and put them to good use.

Edited by amazon123
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  • 1 month later...
I have been informed that the Grandson of the baker now lives in the back of the shop !


It must be a lovely place to live as apparently there's a tree growing through it... Where did you find this information? And could you ask your source why the man in question refuses to let anyone put it to good use?

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