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Greek resturants


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We enjoyed it when we went. The free glass of wine was miniscule and crap but we didn't expect a litre of Chateauneuf du Pape. The food was great. The atmosphere could have been helped by more light and more customers early doors but it did pick up.


It does have a faded look about it but we've bought another groupon voucher for two starters and mains (no poxy glass of wine this time - no loss) and an ouzo.


Mind I've never been to Greece, so we shall see how I feel come September and I've just come back from fresh octopus, cuttlefish, aubergine etc etc

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my greek cypriot husband and i have been to parthanos not in any way cypriot

terrible food sheffield could do with a greek cypriot restaurant.With pork souvlakia koftes sheftelia and other greek cypriot specialities. The same can be said for Greedy Greek not Cypriot food. greek food only and not very good.

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Have also only heard positive comments about there.


I'm sorry to say, I'll have to break that record. And I hate to leave negative press, particularly on an independent business.


I went with a KGB Voucher, and was told we were not allowed to use it as it wasn't printed out. I made my point extremely clear (that the iPhone app is set up so that a printed voucher is not required, and I'd used this method numerous times). After much debate, he let us stay and use the voucher, but the other half wanted to leave as she felt uncomfortable with the way we'd been confronted.


Another couple came in and tried to do the same as ourselves, and with a heated argument, they left the restaurant in disgust. There was no explanation as to why the voucher couldn't be used, just a 'my way or the high way' approach.


After the arguments about vouchers, I found the food to be bland and below par. The taramasalata was gloopy and tasteless as was my lamb soulvaki main. My girlfriend had meatballs, which were the saving grace and a mousaka which was again, very bland and tasteless.


I would not go back, that's for sure. And it's a shame, I spent a lot of holidays in Greece when I was younger and I've always loved Greek food. Just not this Greek food...

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