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David Cameron, Angry Man.

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It seems irrefutable that Mr. Hunt had been colluding with the Murdochs on the b sky b bid, merely palming his responsibility onto one of his aids isn't a great defence it looks like dodgy communication by proxy.


2 days before the bid was announced (25th Jan) the Murdoch's were informed that 'it was game over for the opposition'.


Despite the fact that all the documents, information and communications etc were handed in a further 163 pages of information has now come to light.


The whole thing is a mess, at best incompetent but I suspect corruption to be much nearer the mark and I don't believe for one minute that anyone can honestly say they believe that the whole thing wasn't a done deal from the offing.


Mr. Cameron should be dealing with this on the grounds that it appears that Mr. Hunt has broken the ministerial code, not buying time or leaving this for the Leveson enquiry.



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He hasn't even appeared before the inquiry yet. On what grounds should he have gone?


I'm still puzzled over why this has to go to Leveson. Hunt will have to testify there anyway but there is a separate, more urgent issue to deal with - clear breaches of the minsterial code. Serious allegations of parliament being misled - that is not for Leveson and shouldn't wait. And the Leveson enquiry should not be skewed by becoming a trial under oath for Hunt. If Cameron gets away with deferring dealing with or brushing off potential ministerial wrongdoing now it sets a precedent for the future. What will ministers be able to get away with? Somethink stinks. Really stinks.

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I've more respect for Dennis Skinner than David Cameron who has shown himself to be ageist, patronising and tactless - who knows, he may become the Opposition's secret weapon!


Thing is Skinner never made it off the back benches. A great constituency MP but with a big gob and prone to getting into bother.


Cameron on the other hand is PM and when goaded and hectored by Skinner should behave with some dignity. It's quite rare to see a PM demean him/herself in the way Cameron did today.

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It's quite rare to see a PM demean him/herself in the way Cameron did today.
I wonder if he's beginning to realise that the game's hardly worth the candle? After all, if he's a multi-millionaire as some are always claiming, why does he need to put himself through this day after day?


When I saw him on Sunday morning TV, I though he was beginning to look a bit frazzled at the edges and tired. If everyone doesn't stop this constant criticising he could walk away, and we might end up with those scroats back in power again.


Can you imagine Miliband as PM? That'd be a disaster of epic proportions for the country.

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The strain is certainly beginning to show, think he's losing it?


He always gets like that when he's challenged, particularly when he knows he's on dodgy ground. He seems to think that we won't notice when he substitutes an answer to a question with angry bluster and insults. Sadly most people don't watch/listen to PMQs or debates and the news rarely shows how he acts unless he goes too far so most people probably don't notice, they just see the stage managed "I feel your pain" political interviews.

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He always gets like that when he's challenged, particularly when he knows he's on dodgy ground. He seems to think that we won't notice when he substitutes an answer to a question with angry bluster and insults. Sadly most people don't watch/listen to PMQs or debates and the news rarely shows how he acts unless he goes too far so most people probably don't notice, they just see the stage managed "I feel your pain" political interviews.


He's upset a few people on the forum today,i believe there are three threads with reference to him.

I havn't watched him that often,i've noticed the face go redder and redder when he's shouting at someone. Oh dear! i think he's in the wrong job.

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He lost it ages ago. The longstanding tory press turned on him about 6 months into this government. He realises he's not popular and is trying to do as much damage and punish as many people as he can before he gets booted out.


I'm not sure i would agree with that.What has he got to gain by behaving like that on purpose?

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