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Cameron tells Dennis Skinner to resign.

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When Dennis Skinner quite rightly asks why Jeremy Hunt is getting better employment rights than any other worker in Britain, and if it's because he's taking the rap for Cameron. Cameron's ill-thought out, totally inappropriate and just downright smarmy answer is to advise Skinner to take his own pension.


What a loathsome specimen Cameron is. He's not fit to lick Skinner's boots.


After he publically said that Skinner was a 'dinosaur', I think Skinner's got a case for ageist bullying.



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I've never known anyone use "dinosaur" as a euphemism for being old before. Out of date, out of touch, holding antiquated and long-obsolete opinions, perhaps; but I know teenagers who could be classed as dinosaurs on those grounds.


Quite. Out of touch is very much what the word is used to mean, and Skinner is lost in a world without Lenin. He does give good value from time to time in debates to be fair, but his politics are disgusting hard left rubbish.

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Poor Dennis, someone mentioned him on the other Cameron thread earlier.

It will make Mr Cameron even more unpopular,even from his own side because there are many Tory MPs that have a lot of respect for Mr Skinner,from what i've heard.

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Quite. Out of touch is very much what the word is used to mean, and Skinner is lost in a world without Lenin. He does give good value from time to time in debates to be fair, but his politics are disgusting hard left rubbish.


Would that be John Lenin?Paul Mc Cartney also missed him!

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Skinner is, at least, one of the very few politicians who everybody agrees will practice what he preaches. He's entitled to the full salary of an MP, but only accepts an amount equivalent to what the average coalminer earns. (Or at least, that was so the last I heard.)


If you're going to argue that all people should be equally paid, at least have the courage of your convictions and refuse to accept a larger salary. He does that.

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