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Politics: Sheep enabling the wolves.

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Cameron is this, Milliband is that, Clegg is..well Clegg I suppose, or some might say..who?


Anyway, got me thinking. Overall our politicians are quite a crappy bunch of miscreants... according to SF contributors and recent threads that is. The constant bickering between the left and right trying to justify their individual party leaders **** ups with "well, look at what the other party did before our party got in".


Personally I think it's a little more psychologically complicated. It has nothing to do with the politicians and their ****-ups, but more to do with "stop criticising a party I voted for", with emphasis on "I"..We are embarrassed, we don't like defeat, we will disingenuously defend the indefensible and we can continue doing so because equally on both sides we have our own little support team to make us look like knights in battle.


Why get so upset at something that's a forgone conclusion..politicians are self serving corrupt god-awful garbage, and you defend them regardless.

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Soundbites soundbites and more soundbites. Time for the VOTERS (us) to simply grasp the nettle of truth. THEY ARE ALL AS BAD AS EACH OTHER, PERIOD.


They are mostly (at Minesterial level) ALL well off and have little concept of "the real world" outside Parliament. How many of these parasites have to juggle their monthly bills to see which gets paid this month, or what can wait to be paid next month.


Have a brew of tea, or coffee, and think about it for a minute or two.


See, I was right.



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Cameron is this, Milliband is that, Clegg is..well Clegg I suppose, or some might say..who?


Anyway, got me thinking. Overall our politicians are quite a crappy bunch of miscreants... according to SF contributors and recent threads that is. The constant bickering between the left and right trying to justify their individual party leaders **** ups with "well, look at what the other party did before our party got in".


Personally I think it's a little more psychologically complicated. It has nothing to do with the politicians and their ****-ups, but more to do with "stop criticising a party I voted for", with emphasis on "I"..We are embarrassed, we don't like defeat, we will disingenuously defend the indefensible and we can continue doing so because equally on both sides we have our own little support team to make us look like knights in battle.


Why get so upset at something that's a forgone conclusion..politicians are self serving corrupt god-awful garbage, and you defend them regardless.


Good post. It can get quite tiresome seeing two sides blaming each other for everything and accepting responsibility for nothing.


And it's not a good situation at all when the government are relying on everyone's bad experiences of the last government and the opposition are equally reliant on everyone's bad experiences of the current government, with neither side having very much positive to say.

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Good post.


There seems to be an element of double-think among many partisans (of course, there are always exceptions). Deep down they must know of the historically self-serving nature of government and amorality of the state. They may even speak of it... being sure only to expose the miscreants and self interest of the opposing party!


The complexity of the human mind in that respect is truly amazing.


However, I'd challenge the argument that "they are both as bad as each other". Small differences in policy can lead to significantly large real world outcomes. I suppose that is where the "lesser of X evils" voting tactic comes in.


Most of us crave the power and pride of association. In order to maximise that power and pride, we must be prepared to sacrifice a certain degree of intellectual rigour and objectivism for blind, unquestionable support.


So while I see the incredible hypocrisy involved in party politics, it's perfectly in line with the desire for humans to sacrifice individuality for the collective "herd" mentality.


It's how much of that individuality is sacrificed that concerns me.

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Cameron is this, Milliband is that, Clegg is..well Clegg I suppose, or some might say..who?


Anyway, got me thinking. Overall our politicians are quite a crappy bunch of miscreants... according to SF contributors and recent threads that is. The constant bickering between the left and right trying to justify their individual party leaders **** ups with "well, look at what the other party did before our party got in".


Personally I think it's a little more psychologically complicated. It has nothing to do with the politicians and their ****-ups, but more to do with "stop criticising a party I voted for", with emphasis on "I"..We are embarrassed, we don't like defeat, we will disingenuously defend the indefensible and we can continue doing so because equally on both sides we have our own little support team to make us look like knights in battle.


Why get so upset at something that's a forgone conclusion..politicians are self serving corrupt god-awful garbage, and you defend them regardless.


No, it's about influencing peoples' opinions. Vote for us etc ...

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