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Will Greece's Golden Dawn spread to the UK?

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Is English your second language (could be you're an immigrant)? Where have I said that greek fascists should be welcome in britain?


If you're going to lecture anyone on their language then please spell Britain with a capital letter.


Most of your posts are about immigrants, Muslims, etc. Therefore you're clearly on the far right and you come across as the kind of person who'd welcome a far right party. However your knowledge of far right parties leaves a lot to be desired, as proven here;


Is this the time of change? I see that the BNP have won over 18% of the votes in the French elections.


More evidence of your obsession, and ignorance of, fascist parties.

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Big business benefits from cheap immigrant labour, but ordinary peasants have to make up the tax shortfall.


So the anger in this 'greek spring' is a little misplaced in that those people who are complaining they don't have jobs should be blaming their government, or the business owners, not the immigrants who are only doing the low paid jobs that are beneath the workshy.

The jobs existed and were done before cheap labour was brought in, you seem to think this work only originated when illegal immigrant and cheap foreign labour appeared.

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The jobs existed and were done before cheap labour was brought in, you seem to think this work only originated when illegal immigrant and cheap foreign labour appeared.


I agree with the first part of your sentence.


Yes, the jobs were there, but if big business is only prepared to pay minimum wage, then don't expect workshy natives to run down to the job centre to sign off, if they're receiving more money on the dole.


Like I said earlier, those angry young unemployed people should be taking their anger out on the government and big business, not the immigrants.

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I agree with the first part of your sentence.


Yes, the jobs were there, but if big business is only prepared to pay minimum wage, then don't expect workshy natives to run down to the job centre to sign off, if they're receiving more money on the dole.


Like I said earlier, those angry young unemployed people should be taking their anger out on the government and big business, not the immigrants.


It is well known that many of the jobs that the supposedly workshy Brits won't do are not even paying the minimum wage, whole immigrant familys including children who should be at school have been caught working for peanuts (not real peanuts) and paid in cash.

Those who support the immigrants legal or illegal are playing right into the hands of BNP/EDL/Golden Dawn.

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Big business benefits from cheap immigrant labour, but ordinary peasants have to make up the tax shortfall.


So the anger in this 'greek spring' is a little misplaced in that those people who are complaining they don't have jobs should be blaming their government, or the business owners, not the immigrants who are only doing the low paid jobs that are beneath the workshy.

And guess who can call on the Army or Police to defend big bussiness, certainly not the peasants so they take the viable option and go to the scource..

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If you're going to lecture anyone on their language then please spell Britain with a capital letter.


Most of your posts are about immigrants, Muslims, etc. Therefore you're clearly on the far right and you come across as the kind of person who'd welcome a far right party. However your knowledge of far right parties leaves a lot to be desired, as proven here;




More evidence of your obsession, and ignorance of, fascist parties.



I'd guess he means the FNP or the BNP equivalent in France.

It's still a scary thought that a continent that was ripped apart by austerity and fascism looks to be tilting back in that direction. It's almost as if people never learn from their history :)

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I'd guess he means the FNP or the BNP equivalent in France.

It's still a scary thought that a continent that was ripped apart by austerity and fascism looks to be tilting back in that direction. It's almost as if people never learn from their history :)


Have you noticed in these hard times where the top dogs who are employing more immigrant labour legal an illegal are 11% better off this year in their pay packets.

And members here call it fascisim to want to put an end to it.

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