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Conservatives protecting Murdoch again?

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Who cares about the Murdoch's and phone hacking. The only one i think was wrong is the Milly Dowler one, disgusting what they did.


Don't forget, vote Tory this thursday and save the UK.:D:D


Other people who had their phones hacked were relatives of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and relatives of people killed in the London bombings of July 2005.


So the Conservatives support the phone-hacking of such people. No wonder Cameron is supporting a cover-up.

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Who cares about the Murdoch's and phone hacking.


Those intelligent enough to grasp the implications of allowing a media moghul to set up a web of bribery and blackmail resulting in a rot of corruption which spread from the heart of government to the top of the police.

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Other people who had their phones hacked were relatives of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and relatives of people killed in the London bombings of July 2005.


So the Conservatives support the phone-hacking of such people. No wonder Cameron is supporting a cover-up.


Slightly ridiculous to claim Conservatives (members or voters of) support hacking of peoples phones.

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All the others are C listers after a some cash. Can't believe the goverment is spending what must be millions of pounds on the Leverson inquiry.


The inquiry isn't about finding out why a couple of journalists at a newspaper were listening to a few C-list celebrities, it's about how the entire corporate culture at News International enabled and encouraged widespread illegal activity, and how they managed to blackmail or pay high profile members of the Government and the Police in order to gain access to people, communications and knowledge that legally they shouldn't have had access to.


The corruption goes much further than just a few journalists after a scoop on who's snogging who, it goes all the way up to some of the most powerful people in this country - people who can and do make decisions which affect you, me and everyone else. If you think that's a waste of money, then I feel sorry for you.

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Its not a waist of money, its money that needed to be spent a long time ago from what we have seen come out in this enquiry.

If it cleans up our democracy and the countries institutions, then it is not only worth it but essential to get this country back accountable to its citizens.


When you have the likes of Murdock who has had our ruling elite in his pocket you end up with wars like we had with Iraq which he supported.

If this was not nipped in the bud then we would have soon found ourselves on the border of Iran.

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Other people who had their phones hacked were relatives of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and relatives of people killed in the London bombings of July 2005.


So the Conservatives support the phone-hacking of such people. No wonder Cameron is supporting a cover-up.


Can't fault him, why incriminate your self. Lovely man. Vote for him every time.

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The inquiry isn't about finding out why a couple of journalists at a newspaper were listening to a few C-list celebrities, it's about how the entire corporate culture at News International enabled and encouraged widespread illegal activity, and how they managed to blackmail or pay high profile members of the Government and the Police in order to gain access to people, communications and knowledge that legally they shouldn't have had access to.


The corruption goes much further than just a few journalists after a scoop on who's snogging who, it goes all the way up to some of the most powerful people in this country - people who can and do make decisions which affect you, me and everyone else. If you think that's a waste of money, then I feel sorry for you.


Yawwwwwnnnnnnn. :roll::roll:

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Its not a waist of money, its money that needed to be spent a long time ago from what we have seen come out in this enquiry.

If it cleans up our democracy and the countries institutions, then it is not only worth it but essential to get this country back accountable to its citizens.


When you have the likes of Murdock who has had our ruling elite in his pocket you end up with wars like we had with Iraq which he supported.

If this was not nipped in the bud then we would have soon found ourselves on the border of Iran.



Yep, Iran next.

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Its not a waist of money, its money that needed to be spent a long time ago from what we have seen come out in this enquiry.

If it cleans up our democracy and the countries institutions, then it is not only worth it but essential to get this country back accountable to its citizens.


Indeed, and today's revelations have convinced me there's something big waiting to come out.


At first I thought Cameron was protecting Hunt because of the mutterings about Hunt being a potential future party leader, but it now seems clear that Cameron was trying to protect the Murdoch clan (with the bonus of protecting Hunt into the matter).


After the debacle of getting rid of Vince Cable ASAP when he said he didn't like the Murdoch's, keeping Hunt in place when he said he liked them should be untenable. Cable didn't get a chance to appear in front of any inquiry to defend his words, so why is that the least we can do for Hunt?


There's something fishy going on, and we now know how close Cameron is to the Murdoch's and friends. How long before the Tories actually decide themselves to cut Call Me Dave loose as damage limitation I wonder...

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Slightly ridiculous to claim Conservatives (members or voters of) support hacking of peoples phones.


Indeed. Unfortunately the Tories who helped produce the report have been done up like kippers. They support practically all of it but history will show they failed to sign it off. And the reason they refused is unfortunately something we all know to be true.


It makes them look like they are actively propping up the Murdochs. The curious thing is how Labour and the LibDems came together.

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