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Banking Study £5 for 1/2 hour

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I am a psychology researcher at the University of Sheffield, and I'm currently running a study for which I need a lot of participants, so I thought I would ask people in this community if they would be interested in participating.


This study looks at how people manage their personal finances. To be eligible to participate, you need to have a Santander bank account as your main bank account (that is NOT a joint account) that can be accessed online. This study takes about 30 minutes, for which you will receive £5. You will need to come into the Psychology Department on Western Bank and complete a questionnaire.


You will then be asked to access your online bank account (in private) and tell us: a) when you logged into your account over the last three months, b) the number of transactions that you made over the last three months c) and the dates of your three largest credits and debits for each of the 3 months. This information can be easily found online, and we will explain how to do this. Please note that your details will remain completely anonymous (we will not ask you for any identifying information). If you prefer, you can use your own laptop if it has a ethernet cable port.


The only reason why this study recruits people who have Santander accounts is that, as far as we know, this is the only bank that allows customers to access a record of how often they log in online, which is a behaviour that this study is interested in.


This study has been approved by the Department of Psychology’s Research Ethics Committee. If you would to take part in the study, or if you would like any further information on this study, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Betty Chang, at b.chang{a}sheffield.ac.uk.


Thanks for reading,



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