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Any pubs open tonight xmass day?


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I will apologise for my last post (wasnt bladdered,check the spelling!)


Just really hate racists as my daughter used to get it all the time at school.


Heard one of the other dads call her a p**i B*****d - should have seen the look on his face when I introduced myself as her father.


Had to pick his jaw up off the floor :heyhey:


But consider this...say you wandered into a pub / club and you realised it was full of, how shall I put it, non white people and they all started looking at you and saying racist comments.


How would you feel ?


Threatened probably - I know I certainly would.


No matter what your skin colour, we are all basically the same underneath.


This is why there will never be "peace on earth" and "goodwill to all men" as there is always someone with a race problem.


And D2J, yes, I did finish it but not till an hour or so after that last post - and very nice it was too :thumbsup:

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