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Homelessness up 1100% in South Yorkshire town.

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Which just proves that homelessness is always a choice.


If homeless people reject any offer of help and wreck any home they're given, then all assistance for them should be withdrawn and the money saved put to more deserving causes.


That wasn't what I said, and it certainly hasn't been what Shelter have found from their research. :shakes:


For anyone who actually believes that people who live on the street have made an informed choice to do so, I suggest they read Shelter's findings. Shelter are a charity who have done a huge amount of research into why people are homeless. http://england.shelter.org.uk/campaigns/why_we_campaign/tackling_homelessness/What_causes_homelessness

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Sorry but the people are killing themselves.


Many people are not in a fit state of mind to run their own home, considering the alcohol and drug abuse that is rife these days. And you expect these people to have a home built for them, and then we'll have to pay for them to live there?


For most, alcohol and drug abuse is a result of poor housing. That is to say a lack of housing leads to alcohol and drug abuse.


It is not the other way round.


Pregnancy does not lead to unprotected sex, but unprotected sex is required for pregnancy.

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There are loads of flats and appartments standing empty for months.


I'm surprised market forces hasn't driven the rents down to a level that more people can afford.


Didn't the government once come up with a plan to commandeer any property that was standing empty for more than 6 months?


The goverment wants to start paying rent direct to landlords as a norm and stop landlords having to worry about getting there rent. The scheme they have at the moment is not working . CUT OUT NO DHSS . PAY THE LANDLORDS AND GIVE THEM THE INSENTIVE TO LET TO ANYBOBY . There are plenty of propeties on the market give landlords security stop this NO DHSS culture its the councils fault not the landlords :)

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This week we have witnessed more demolition of state housing by the state in Sheffield. (Chantry house at Jordanthorpe was blown up)


Meanwhile, Parkhill the largest listed building in Europe that contains 1000 properties and was given away by the council along with £40 000 000 of taxpayers money sits idle apart from the odd funky mortgage workshop to encourage people to sign up to 25-40 years of slavery in order to live in a flat with a roof above your head.


So it should come as no surprise that figures released today show a 1100% increase in homelessness in a South Yorkshire town.






This is just the tip of the iceberg, visible homelessness at its worst.


Many more are without a place to call 'home' and sleep on people's sofas and floors, particularly younger people. (The hidden homeless)


Gone are the days when a young couple could get a council house and begin to raise a family. Gone are the days when people had decent jobs, job security and a wage sufficient to purchase a house via a mortgage.


This crisis has been engineered. People need to be held to account for their actions and the resulting social problems they have caused. Homeless people die younger.






The people in charge of housing in this country are literally killing our own people. These people need to be locked up. We need to build a lot more housing, and we need to do so quickly. We need to avert the catastrophe that is playing out in front of our own eyes, and ruining the lives of so many of our citizens.


Just wait until they move up the 100,000 plus from the south.



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