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How much is too much for a haircut and colour?

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What are your opinions on paying £70 for haircut and colour? Is it worth paying £70 if the hairdresser is skilled at what they do and your happy with the results or is £70 unjustifable for the service you are paying for?

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My cut and blow dry costs £17 and I colour my hair at home for £4.99 a time. For those of you who say a colour is done better in the salon, I did once have it coloured in the salon for which I paid a lot of money, and it didnt look any different to when I do it myself.I suppose if you want streaks or different colours in your hair then its best done by a professional, but I`m very happy with the way my hair is cut and with the colour I do myself, and I save a lot of money

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It strikes me that women get a bit of a raw deal where hairdressing is concerned. Ok, compared to a fella it's a lot more work, and presumably takes time. As a bloke I go for cheap and cheerful, and it generally costs me about £4 for a cut. However I was out shopping a while ago, and just happened to need a cut, and passed a hair salon that was empty. Great I thought, no queuing. So in I went, and had the haircut, and the fella that did it, charged me £15...I was dumbstruck, and just paid up. I remember going 'on' about it for weeks after, how extortionate it was. But thinking about it, it's peanuts compared to how much women pay!

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It strikes me that women get a bit of a raw deal where hairdressing is concerned. Ok, compared to a fella it's a lot more work, and presumably takes time. As a bloke I go for cheap and cheerful, and it generally costs me about £4 for a cut. However I was out shopping a while ago, and just happened to need a cut, and passed a hair salon that was empty. Great I thought, no queuing. So in I went, and had the haircut, and the fella that did it, charged me £15...I was dumbstruck, and just paid up. I remember going 'on' about it for weeks after, how extortionate it was. But thinking about it, it's peanuts compared to how much women pay!


£15 is about average for a salon, £4 about average for a barbers.



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I used to work in a Hair Salon. Well, it was actually a 'health farm' and had a hair dressers as part of it. I'd say it was quite posh (although i'm not posh myself).


We charged around £70 for a cut and colour. Nobody ever complained about that price and all seemed happy to pay it. I used to have my hair done there myself but only because it was free! I'd never have paid that much!!


So when i left, i stopped going there started using a little back street hair dressers. I got the exact same thing but for around £30. The lady who did it was qualified to the exact same standard as the staff that worked in the more expensive place.

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My hairs very short, the thing that gets to me is if I wanted mine cutting, colouring, and blowing it would be the same price as someone with longer hair. When I used to go to a salon (I have it done at home now for £25) I was charged the same as everyone else...not fair!

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I went to a very well-known salon for blonde streaks and they came out orange - not been since, yet I have seen black girls with beigey streaks - MelB has them too - but I think they thought my hair was too dark

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