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Texting whilst driving

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Seat belts can indeed be a helpful device in SOME accidents but not in others and i know, not from figures but first hand.


Substitute 'some' with 'most' and you have a valid point.


I saw you're earlier post and i'm peased it worked out for you but maybe you just got lucky. How many deaths may have been prevented through wearing one?

Do you think the survival rate will be an even split between those that wore one and died and those that did not and died?

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Seat belts can indeed be a helpful device in SOME accidents but not in others and i know, not from figures but first hand.


Go on then, tell us the circumstances of the crash you were involved in where not wearing a seatbelt saved your life. And while you are about it, how can we plan to have a crash, in your mind, where it won't be a good idea to wear a belt?


Mind you, in your self-acclaimed driving career, I'm amazed that you have ever been involved in a crash.


---------- Post added 01-08-2013 at 15:51 ----------


Substitute 'some' with 'most' and you have a valid point.


I saw you're earlier post and i'm peased it worked out for you but maybe you just got lucky. How many deaths may have been prevented through wearing one?

Do you think the survival rate will be an even split between those that wore one and died and those that did not and died?


If it ever happens, "got lucky" are the operative words and I'm sure that the words from the PC/Fire Officer (if ever said) "good job you weren't wearing a belt" were preceded by "before we go any further, give me 6 numbers 1 to 49".


---------- Post added 01-08-2013 at 16:38 ----------


Taken from a DfT/TRL doc' "Strapping Yarns. Why people do and do not wear seat belts"

November 2008.



"3.3.1 Seat-belt effectiveness

Analysis of CCIS and the national STATS19 accident databases has shown that seat belts are effective at preventing fatal and serious injuries, and that there is a huge potential benefit of raising seat-belt wearing rates in the UK. Seat belts were found to be about 60% effective at preventing fatal injuries, and about 32% effective at preventing serious injuries. If everyone in the UK wore a seat belt, it is estimated that over 350 lives and 1,000 serious casualties could be saved every year.

Finally, it has been shown that even small increases in seat-belt wearing rates can lead to large benefits. If seat-belt wearing rates in the UK could be raised by an average of 1%, the benefit of the lives and serious injuries saved would be equivalent to £14.4 million per year.

More details are given for seat-belt effectiveness and the likely benefits of increased seat-belt use in Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 respectively."


App 2 and 3 are for those interested in exploring Stats and marvelling at the statisticians ability to work raw data.


With the advent of airbags, any message that suggests not wearing a belt is an intelligent choice really should come with a health warning (and public liability insurance?). This should no longer be the subject of an argument or discussion at all.

Edited by DT Ralge
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I was a passenger :)




2 things will kill you in a crash, stopping dead and being crushed.



The seat belt aids BOTH!


So fill in a few details and tell us how you survived. What happened. What direction of impact. What speed of impact. And where did you end up? What injuries did you sustain. Did the vehicle have airbags, did they deploy?

More importantly, how do you rate your chances of surviving a similar or different impact and how does that shape any decision you take now about wearing a seatbelt. Would you recommend us not to wear one?

Edited by DT Ralge
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  • 1 year later...

i like this one....


"I work with the AT&T Volunteer Pioneer's and we have a driving simulator that let's you text while driving. Not one person has ever finished the drive without wrecking, getting a ticket for speeding, going too slow, running a red light, are running over someone. "


If not one person finished without wrecking,then the simulator is obviously crap and nothing like real life at all,or the candates were all women.

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