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Are you going to vote or spoil your paper?

Voting or spoiling  

88 members have voted

  1. 1. Voting or spoiling

    • I'm voting
    • I'm spoiling
    • I'm not bothering at all

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Try living in a country absent of any government or with several factions competing for power with none of them holding a majority. Take a trip to Somalia and get an education :hihi:


We do need politicians and governments and all politicians do spout the BS now and again.

Your local MP might just say he'll create a zillion jobs for Sheffielders but when it comes down to getting them he'll find that he'll have competition from Nottingham and Leeds who want the XYZ Mega Company to locate to their cities instead. Politicians are humans not magicians with magic wands. They have to live with the hard realities and do the best they can with the tools at hand.


Somalia is irrelevant here- that situation was created not by lack of government, but by the foreign policies, greed and imported arms of 'civililised', well-governed nations like ours.


Note that regions just as much in a state as somalia, like North Korea and various oppressive middle east states, have plenty of government.


As for Your local MP might just say he'll create a zillion jobs for Sheffielders but when it comes down to getting them he'll find that he'll have competition from Nottingham and Leeds who want the XYZ Mega Company to locate to their cities instead.


The MP should be fully aware of the fact that creating a zillion jobs for Sheffield is impossible due to economic factors; he/she therefore shouldn't make such promises. If they do, then clearly they are either-


1. inept

2. lying



Most of the public sector is target driven, and MP's are supposed to be there to serve the public, we are not here to serve them, they should be paid on results, and if they don't fulfil what they promised then their pay should be docked or sacked from their job.


Exactly- good point. In every other area, high wages come with the obligation to deliver the promised results.

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I think people need a protest vote to let off steam. It's so infuriating to hear of a low turnout as 'voter apathy' when it's often nothing of the sort.


As for what happens if the nota vote wins (or gets a high % of votes,) I think Parliament should be suspended and any candidates with less than a certain % of votes be made to resign their candidacy.

Genius idea, all for it :thumbsup:


The only minor problem is, this will require legislation and parliament is in charge of that.


So it's a bit like asking the condemned to build their own gallows.

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Wow awesome! I didnt know you had headed a special commission to investigate the workings at Westminster, recommend possible downsizing, carry out time and efficiency studies, eliminate wastage and root out corruption.


I take my hat off to someone truly in the know :hihi: :hihi:


WOW! Everyone has the right to be naive and gullible but you are just abusing the privilege.

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Mainly because I don't want the job, can't afford the deposit, and most importantly, nobody has nominated me.

Well as I keep pointing out we have this wonderful thing called the internet, where people of like mind can get together and organise themselves into a group and perhaps find one of their number who can represent them and if the group is large enough.



  1. A minimum number of votes are assured, so any required deposit is safe
  2. A whip round can be had to raise any needed funding, a quid each isn't going to hurt much, people spend more on the lottery with less chance of winning
  3. The members of the group can do any needed campaigning when the nominee is unavailable

Just a thought, but no one seems interested in doing this.


OK you might not win and all that effort is for nothing.


But on the other hand you might win, then you have a voice in parliament.


Does the risk outweigh the reward ?


Is the reward insufficient compensation for the effort ?

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Which is precisely why it's better to submit a blank slip.


details here-



OK the response so far is
Thank you for your email to the Electoral Commission.


A blank ballot papers will be pulled aside as a doubtful ballot paper, it will then be passed on to the returning officer to make a decision. As it does not indicate any vote, it will not be counted.


Please let me know if you require further information.


Kind regards


Alex Barker

Public Information Adviser

3 Bunhill Row

London EC1Y 8YZ

So they aren't counted, however this doesn't address whether they are recognised as a protest so I've asked for a clarification on that specific point.


I'll post the response when I get one.

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