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Are you going to vote or spoil your paper?

Voting or spoiling  

88 members have voted

  1. 1. Voting or spoiling

    • I'm voting
    • I'm spoiling
    • I'm not bothering at all

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Voting twice this week.


I'll vote tonight after work.


Fat lot of good it will do, considering the general make-up of the electorate around Worksop (by and large, essentially public sector and benefit claimants...so little surprise in expecting yet another Labour win, notwithstading the Council's appalling record over the past 3 years, if not earlier). But vote I shall - on the off chance enough voters opt for a change this time around.


Voting Saturday as well, for the French presidential elections.

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Good to see the voters coming out on top of the poll.


I don't understand 'not voting' as a form of protest. Some people are apathetic, some will forget or fail to make it - and the group who don't vote as a protest are just part of that nebulous bunch, actual numbers unknown and with no discernable or unified message.


That said, I would have appreciated more information from the candidates in my ward. I only received one leaflet (Labour) and have been trawling the web for info. A central web page (or thread on Sheffield Forum?) with a statement from each would have been handy.

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Good to see the voters coming out on top of the poll.


I don't understand 'not voting' as a form of protest. Some people are apathetic, some will forget or fail to make it - and the group who don't vote as a protest are just part of that nebulous bunch, actual numbers unknown and with no discernable or unified message.


That said, I would have appreciated more information from the candidates in my ward. I only received one leaflet (Labour) and have been trawling the web for info. A central web page (or thread on Sheffield Forum?) with a statement from each would have been handy.


Totally agree. I think I am leaning towards voting Labour. The only parties who said they were anti-cuts were the Greens and the Socialist party which I agree with more than Labour's stance on the cuts, BUT I think if Labour see a substantial increase in votes whilst the Conservatives and Lib Dems see a substantial decrease, it will force the ConDems to re-assess their leadership, and I really want to punish the ConDems for the tax cuts they gave to the rich.

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Who says "not voting" is a form of protest?


I can't vote for my preference, which involves dismantling the current sham of having any say or influence. I do not wish to be governed by anyone so why should I choose who governs me.


There is no option to vote to say "let's do away with all this" so I can't vote. It's not a "protest" - it's just how it is.

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I will vote but dont know who for as I also think that they are all as bad as one another.

At the end of the day they all appear to look after themselves and they are still making a fortune out of expenses on top of their over inflated salaries and as far as I know they also still have the best pension schemes when they retire.


Really dont have much time for politics and MP`s anymore but I know I should vote otherwise we may as well be a communist state like China.


Will be voting - though would like a "none of the above"" option.


I'll go for the least worst option...


Look at this-




If significant numbers of people don’t want to support any of the candidates, and vote BLANK instead of not voting, it will be a key news story in this election. It would show the level of dissatisfaction with UK politics and the positive demand for real change.....


...When someone says they are not going to vote for anyone, just suggest they vote blank. It prompts a more interesting discussion, and it counters the justification for not voting. (We say this from experience of many interesting discussions on doorsteps during the county council elections.)


By voting blank you can show your total lack of faith for the current candidates of all parties, have your opinion logged, and, can not be accused of 'apathy' (as you have made the effort to submit a voting slip).


Imagine if the 10's of thousands of people who normally don't vote (often because they consider all available candidates to be crooks/useless/as bad as each other) went along and submitted a blank slip, which has to be counted and announced.


If British political elections consistently had, say 30% of the electorate submitting blank slips, and, that had to be announced to the world, I'd say that a huge incentive for politicians to acknowledge that the current system is failing badly.


Up to now, they just fob it off with acusations of 'voter apathy/laziness'- that would no longer be an option with people putting in blank slips.

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