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'Labour ignored Bank of England warnings, caused recession & cost 1m jobs'

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So it's the elimination of regulations that you see as being the main problem not, as King and your thread title imply, a delay in bailing out the banks?


King is arguing that Labour should have bailed out the banks much earlier. I take it you disagree because I believe in the past you have claimed to have been against any such bank bailouts at all.


The banks wouldn't have needed bailing out if the numpties in charge had any common sense, lots of ordinary people could see what was coming long before the bust. It was entirely preventable.

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Blanchflower was right. Interest rates needed to be brought down earlier and faster than they were. I have some correspondence with him on that subject somewhere, I'll see if I can carbon date find it.

It was low interest rates before the bust that contributed to the problems, they should have been raised to stop people borrowing.

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The banks wouldn't have needed bailing out if the numpties in charge had any common sense, lots of ordinary people could see what was coming long before the bust. It was entirely preventable.


I remember Brown saying he had eliminated Boom & Bust.


To quote Robert Peston today. " It was Bust without Boom".

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A bit of last minute campaigning :hihi: its too late for the Lib / Dems they are about to get their comeuppance …….. I hope they have enjoyed their two minutes of fame because it’s all over …….. never mind I am sure the Tories will welcome Clegg with open arms when his own party finally get some balls and show him the door.


:hihi::hihi: On the nail, Grandad.


Is this really the best the ConDemned can do? That Labour 'MAY' have done X when they were in power four years ago. It's amazing that the recession was all Labour's fault but now the ConDems have got us in to a DOUBLE DIP, it's suddenly the fault of the world economy.

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It was low interest rates before the bust that continued to the problems, they should have been raised to stop people borrowing.


You might have had a point in 2004, but not in 2008.

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I think you are right, the Lib / Dem party will implode and we can all have a good laugh at parasitic Clegg.


And Miliband will be chucked out as Labour leader to be replaced by another no-hoper picked by the trade union leadership.

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:hihi::hihi: On the nail, Grandad.


Is this really the best the ConDemned can do? That Labour 'MAY' have done X when they were in power four years ago. It's amazing that the recession was all Labour's fault but now the ConDems have got us in to a DOUBLE DIP, it's suddenly the fault of the world economy.


There's a bit of difference between a 2 quarter 0.6% dip and a 6 quarter 6% sky dive. But I'm sure history will remember it in 3 years time when the economy is growing and folks are voting for the party that took us out of recession or the ones who took us ito it.

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And Miliband will be chucked out as Labour leader to be replaced by another no-hoper picked by the trade union leadership.


I always said that Miliband was only a “caretaker”, when it comes to choosing a leader for the working people who is best positioned ……… an organisation that represents the people or a bunch of elitist privately educated toffs that are so far removed from reality that they can come up with a slogan like “ we are all in it together” ………

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'Massively rewarded public figure admits he hasn't got a clue' shock horror. Lab/Tory/Libs, banking high-ups, the chickens of never having had a proper job are coming home to roost.


King hung on to this bit of info. long enough for him to get a Knighthood as reward for keeping interest rates at ridiculousy-low levels for years.


The banks are 'too big to fail'. Savers and pensioners? Screw 'em.

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