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Invasion of the Cupcakes

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Yeah Probably, it ended up looking like this: http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q174/mrmawalker/temp/473356_10151623925225524_742470523_24158301_870412195_o.jpg


I munched a piece and my heart started beating backwards :o lol





Looked okay just not risen very high as I say try the addition of egg of replacing some of the flour. I wouldn't say no if I was offered a piece though.:)

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You'd get about 60 cupcakes out of that lot :D is for a medium sized double layer sponge cake, chocolatey in essence, sparkly in topping :)



Timing is pretty essential too, depends on your type of oven. If you go over the time for your certain oven it will rise but then start to sink as it dries out.


Today I added cocoa powder, which I don't usually do, and should've cut the bake time by about 5 minutes as the mixture was a tad drier. Because of this the centre has dropped just a little causing a 'flat-top' effect rather than a nice dome. oh well.


How much would a batch of 60 cost me, I am serious.

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I'm not real good with costings but, flour, sugar eggs and butter for cakes themselves probably £1.50 - £2.00 at the most depending on brand ect.


Butter and icing suger for butter icing maybe 75p-£1.00


Then sundries like bun cases, food colouring, and decorations another couple of pounds so for 60 about £7.00 at the most.

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How big would the buns be, would they be mini sizes or muffin size?
Doesn't matter.


The term cupcake is derived from the american and australian method of measuring the dry ingredients by volume, in cups, rather than the british method of measuring by weight. The size of the finished buns is irrelevent. A small cake is still a bun. Putting lots of crap on top of it and charging more for it doesn't alter that

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So if someone was to order 60 large cupcakes which cost £7, would there be any labour cost added to that?
Dunno, don't care.


I do know that if someone bought 60 large buns and 60 large cupcakes with no toppings the cupcakes would be significantly more expensive because they are called cupcakes despite the fact they are identical. Its all in the name, yet again marketing makes monkeys of us

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So if someone was to order 60 large cupcakes which cost £7, would there be any labour cost added to that?


Yes as the £7 quoted was for ingredients/cases wasn't it............ so of course there would be a labour charge unless you were making them yourself or someone offered to make them for free.


You seem to be making a meal of this don't you:hihi:

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Can't understand why people don't make their own its only takes half and hour to make a batch of cupcakes its not exactly difficult:)


It is a combination of laziness and poor cooking skills.How many now peel potatoes?Cup cakes symbolise our societal frailty.Last week it was reported that diabetics absorb 20% of the NHS budget,type 2 being the largest consumer of resources,and the type that is dependent on lifestyle.People clamour for tax cuts leading to spending cuts.They waste the tax concessions on cup cakes etc,see their GPs who refer them to lengthening queues for hospital treatment-oh the irony of it all.The remaining unspent tax break is used to fund a gym membership of weightwatchers.Its a crazy,senor!

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