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People voting Labour in protest

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So everyone is upset with Cameron and Clegg for not magically finding 200billion quid down the back of the sofa. Fair enough, if you wanted to air your grievances why not vote Green, voting for those Labour muppets who had a massive amount to do us being in this mess in the first place and who have learnt absolutely nothing is not a protest vote, they will think you actually want them back in! Did you forget about the PFI projects we will be paying for for the next 100 years, NHS 12billion computer system, ID cards, Passport computer system, the 500million fire station project, Blairs lies, Browns incompetence, their ignoring the Bank of englands warnings, need I carry on?


To give them credit, their continuing to spend billions even when they knew we were totally screwed,so they could us in an even bigger mess when they lost the election worked like a dream. People upset at not having a solid gold house have voted for them again.



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My understanding is that a huge percentage of people didn't vote at all, cos they're all flippin' muppets. Especially the two posh boys and Clegg.


But unfortunately the inevitability of that is that 'someone' has to win. Hence the results.

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As long as you believe in politics you shall live in dreams. Dreams are not real and it does not matter which party or side you go for it will always go wrong one way or another.


Politics is run by sick people and healthy people will never ever choose to go towards politics because it only supports mentally ill people.

A mentally balanced person cannot become an MP because to be a MP requires to be a lier, sneaky, competitive, at war with the opposite all the time. Using your sick mind to manipulate and fabricate false ways to go against what is natural and simple.


That is why politics cannot work. Only mentally sick people can do it. A healthy person would not survive in that sick environment.


Politics will always be a mess and the people dreaming it is the answer will always be the loser regardless wich side they choose for.

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A mentally balanced person cannot become an MP because to be a MP requires to be a lier, sneaky, competitive, at war with the opposite all the time. Using your sick mind to manipulate and fabricate false ways to go against what is natural and simple.


This does appear to be the case, but is it necessarily true, and if so, why?

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No doubt the left will be saying this is a sour grapes thread.


Like I said on the other election thread, I pity the local councillors who've had their seats for years and done loads for their local community and have suddenly been ousted for the "sins of the father".


My local Lib Dem councillors never use any national political arguments in their work, just tirelessly work for the community, which is why they got my support.

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No doubt the left will be saying this is a sour grapes thread.


Like I said on the other election thread, I pity the local councillors who've had their seats for years and done loads for their local community and have suddenly been ousted for the "sins of the father".


My local Lib Dem councillors never use any national political arguments in their work, just tirelessly work for the community, which is why they got my support.


So why are they Lib Dems? :huh: If they never use any national political arguments, what are they doing in a national political party? Why not stand as independents?


They benefit when the party does well, so it's only fair they lose when the party is unpopular.

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No doubt the left will be saying this is a sour grapes thread.


Like I said on the other election thread, I pity the local councillors who've had their seats for years and done loads for their local community and have suddenly been ousted for the "sins of the father".


My local Lib Dem councillors never use any national political arguments in their work, just tirelessly work for the community, which is why they got my support.


The argument for kicking the local Lib Dems for the (perceived) sins of the leadership can be seen at Lib Dem conferences. The grassroots, tired of being punished for Coalition decisions, rise up and put pressure on their leadership.


They in turn grow a bit of backbone and challenge Tory policies such as the NHS reforms.


Clegg and Alexander had signed off on the NHS bill but it took conference, and a groundswell of protest from the membership to get them to promise to look again at it.


A Tory was saying the same thing this morning. He claimed locals were telling him they disagreed with Central Office plans for gay marriage. They get a kicking on the doorstep so they complain to their leaders.


It is a shame for decent, hard-working, local councillors but if nobody voted in protest then the leadership might well believe everything in the garden is rosy and carry on. Losing council seats at least provides a warning shot across the bows. If the leadership then changes course they could well expect to regain many seats and councils at the next election.

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My local Lib Dem councillors never use any national political arguments in their work, just tirelessly work for the community, which is why they got my support.


The Lib-Dems have taken control of Sheffield only twice, both times during the Blair-Brown years. Do you think this is a coincidence? The Lib-Dems benefitted from an unpopular Labour government and now Labour is benefitting from an unpopular coalition government. There's no difference. Lib-Dems are just moaning that voters shouldn't take national politics into account but when roles are reversed they exploit unpopular Labour governments. They should accept that supporting unpopular Tory policies is going to cost them votes.

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