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People voting Labour in protest

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So this is why most of the key Council services in Sheffield are outsourced to private companies, is it? Labour hate the private sector so much that waste collection & recycling is done by Veolia, housing repairs & maintenance by Kier, the Highways PFI money is going to pay Amey for resurfacing all the roads and payments & the Council's finances are in the hands of Capita. A handful of residential homes are managed by Sheffcare & the vast majority run by private, profit-making organisations.

Get real.


Not forgetting Sheffield Homes as well, although supposidly none profit making, its still another service the council got rid of..

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So when the Royal Collage of Surgeons oppose the cuts, they are doing it because they are afraid they will lose their jobs?


Ditto the 90% of hospital doctors who oppose the cuts. They are afraid they will lose their jobs. Right?


Tesco will be able to put in a tender using the massive surplass of trained doctors and surgeons at their disposal, and the public will get more choice and cheaper health care. Right?


This is exactly the kind of confused and demented drivel which results when highly trained experts with years of experience are over-ruled by deluded political zealots who believe their cliche'd one dimensional dogma can improve on complex processes about which they clearly don't even understand the basics.


Doctors are not afraid of losing their jobs. They are afraid of being held to account. Only heart disease and cancer kills more people than the NHS. The NHS is dangerous, bureaucratic, expensive and unaccountable. Week in week out we hear of hospital trusts failing in their duty of care and nothing is ever done about. Why? Because they are a public service and they are not required to comply with the same rules and regulations the private sector has to. All public services are the same. They regulate themselves and we all know what that means.


Doctors and consultants have cushy part-time jobs that allow them to get well paid by the NHS and do private jobs on the side. Of course they want to keep their cushy jobs just the way they are. Remember what the NHS was like when it was run by consultants? No, I didn't think so. Huge waiting lists, their junior doctors working 100hrs a week, operations at their convenience in between private work and golf matches.


The current legal bill for botched medical procedures by the NHS is about £12,000,000,000.

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Doctors and consultants have cushy part-time jobs that allow them to get well paid by the NHS and do private jobs on the side. Of course they want to keep their cushy jobs just the way they are. Remember what the NHS was like when it was run by consultants? No, I didn't think so. Huge waiting lists, their junior doctors working 100hrs a week, operations at their convenience in between private work and golf matches.


The current legal bill for botched medical procedures by the NHS is about £12,000,000,000.


So you don't support government plans to hand over NHS consultancy budgets to consortiums of doctors?

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So this is why most of the key Council services in Sheffield are outsourced to private companies, is it? Labour hate the private sector so much that waste collection & recycling is done by Veolia, housing repairs & maintenance by Kier, the Highways PFI money is going to pay Amey for resurfacing all the roads and payments & the Council's finances are in the hands of Capita. A handful of residential homes are managed by Sheffcare & the vast majority run by private, profit-making organisations.

Get real.



Commissioning of council services is an admission that the council management are not up to the job of providing a cost effective service. I think the problem is that we have had some of these services for so long that folk can't remember what it was like when the council ran the services. They can get all riled up about the dogma of the profit motive but forget that most services were plagued by terrible customer service, strikes, restrictive practices, poor training and rocketing council taxes.

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So you don't support government plans to hand over NHS consultancy budgets to consortiums of doctors?


I am in favour of it if it means GPs can choose not to send their patients to hospitals with poor records of healthcare. The current system of sending patients to the local NHS Trust does nothing to make those hospitals focus on providing quality care. They get the business no matter how awful they are. If GPs get a choice the worst run trusts will either have to get their act together or go out of business. The best run will grow. That can only be a good thing for patients. But, that's not really the focus of the hoo hah over the NHS changes is it? It's all about the self interest of the staff ................................. as usual.

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I am in favour of it if it means GPs can choose not to send their patients to hospitals with poor records of healthcare. The current system of sending patients to the local NHS Trust does nothing to make those hospitals focus on providing quality care. They get the business no matter how awful they are. If GPs get a choice the worst run trusts will either have to get their act together or go out of business. The best run will grow. That can only be a good thing for patients. But, that's not really the focus of the hoo hah over the NHS changes is it? It's all about the self interest of the staff ................................. as usual.


But if - as you say - GPs are only motivated by self interest, why do the majority of them not want to get involved in a sceme by which they could make a lot more money?


And if you believe the majority of them are utterly corrupted by self interest, why would you want to hand billions in extra funding over to their control?


Your arguments are riddled with inconsistencies.

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Not forgetting Sheffield Homes as well, although supposidly none profit making, its still another service the council got rid of..

No, it didn't. It's an arms-length management organisation which tenants have voted to return to Council control.

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So this is why most of the key Council services in Sheffield are outsourced to private companies, is it? Labour hate the private sector so much that waste collection & recycling is done by Veolia, housing repairs & maintenance by Kier, the Highways PFI money is going to pay Amey for resurfacing all the roads and payments & the Council's finances are in the hands of Capita. A handful of residential homes are managed by Sheffcare & the vast majority run by private, profit-making organisations.

Get real.


But it takes someone in the public sector to manage it all.

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So when the Royal Collage of Surgeons oppose the 'reforms', they are doing it because they are afraid they will lose their jobs?


Ditto the 90% of hospital doctors who oppose the NHS deforms. They are afraid they will lose their jobs. Right?



People are faced with a choice - would you like to go to the private hospital X or state hospital Y.


Private hospital X has English speaking staff who can write, state hospital Y has foreign bank staff who don't understand English and are prone to random mistakes.


Which would you choose?

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