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People voting Labour in protest

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So everyone is upset with Cameron and Clegg for not magically finding 200billion quid down the back of the sofa. Fair enough, if you wanted to air your grievances why not vote Green, voting for those Labour muppets who had a massive amount to do us being in this mess in the first place and who have learnt absolutely nothing is not a protest vote, they will think you actually want them back in! Did you forget about the PFI projects we will be paying for for the next 100 years, NHS 12billion computer system, ID cards, Passport computer system, the 500million fire station project, Blairs lies, Browns incompetence, their ignoring the Bank of englands warnings, need I carry on?


To give them credit, their continuing to spend billions even when they knew we were totally screwed,so they could us in an even bigger mess when they lost the election worked like a dream. People upset at not having a solid gold house have voted for them again.




OOH man with solid gold house wants to keep his nest egg, bring back Thatcher and crush the workers:roll::roll::roll: She's the one that really screwed us, the old bat

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OOH man with solid gold house wants to keep his nest egg, bring back Thatcher and crush the workers:roll::roll::roll: She's the one that really screwed us, the old bat


Is Thatcher the Sheffield's equivalent to Godwin's law or something? I dont know how you think the long list of Labour ****-ups are in some way the fault of Thatcher :huh: Is this the usual look for someone else to blame everything on mentality or just a few too many retarded brain cells?

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Are you serious? Your analysis basically amounts to: GPs good, consultants bad.

As an argument, it comes straight out of the cars are red, lorries are green school of philosophy.


Well done Donkey,the guy puts the G in generalisation in every post.No-one else seems to have spotted this being blinded by his wit and intoxicated wiith his sentimental(semi-mental) prose.:hihi:

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You're right about the accountability. I know of two companies that sell HP computers and printers which have come from the NHS and still have 2 years of the 3 year warranty that came with it.


How much money is wasted buying these machines which are getting a year's use before replacement? Would you buy an extended warranty on an electrical appliance if you knew you were getting rid in under a year?


Yes as it would enhance resale value:loopy::loopy:

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This is complete rubbish. The work would have been contracted out to the private sector. The Claremont would have brought in those agency staff, not the NHS.


If you have genuine concerns about your wife's African doctor and the care he provided then report those concerns.



It's irrelevant if it's contracted out. The NHS are the provider and therefore responsible for the service. The surgeon was the same NHS surgeon I saw at the NGH. What it shows is that the NHS contract out to organisations that are prepared to use overseas staff. The point made below was that the NHS only use English speaking staff. It's not true.

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It beggars belief that some people just cant see that none of the 3 mail parties give a flying hoot about any of us.


People go back to their old parties, regardless of what they have done to them, like a child to its abuser.


Its not pretty to watch.

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It's irrelevant if it's contracted out. The NHS are the provider and therefore responsible for the service. The surgeon was the same NHS surgeon I saw at the NGH. What it shows is that the NHS contract out to organisations that are prepared to use overseas staff. The point made below was that the NHS only use English speaking staff. It's not true.


Well, to most of us it makes no difference really. But for yourself, perhaps a glimpse of public services how you want them. And the reality is that in private hospitals you will get the same doctors as you do now and the nurses will be most likely be paid less and of lower quality, perhaps bought in from overseas. They might even be African!!!

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I would never vote Labour. I am a low paid worker & should be a nailed on Labour voter but I can't stand the party. I never gained anything from the last Labour government. I am actually better off under the present government. The Labour party is no longer the party for the working class but the party for the benefit class. The last time they were in power they did more for people who didn't want to work than those that did work.

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