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People voting Labour in protest

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So why are they Lib Dems? :huh: If they never use any national political arguments, what are they doing in a national political party? Why not stand as independents?


Because councillors work locally. Their work shouldn't have anything to do with national issues.


I noticed it was only Labour who used these national tactics in their election broadcasts - "if you disagree with the NHS changes vote Labour".

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My understanding is that a huge percentage of people didn't vote at all, cos they're all flippin' muppets. Especially the two posh boys and Clegg.


But unfortunately the inevitability of that is that 'someone' has to win. Hence the results.


I'm sorry but these stupid comments are starting to wear thin. Just because someone is posh or not, it doesn't mean they are or are not fit to lead. Your mentality would leave us with hardly any leaders through history including Churchill.


It's not where you come from, it's where you're going that matters.

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So why are they Lib Dems? :huh: If they never use any national political arguments, what are they doing in a national political party? Why not stand as independents?


They benefit when the party does well, so it's only fair they lose when the party is unpopular.




Why don't ALL prospective councillors stand as Independents? That way they'd be judged on the work they do locally rather than the council elections just being a popularity contest for the government and the opposition.

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Why don't ALL prospective councillors stand as Independents? That way they'd be judged on the work they do locally rather than the council elections just being a popularity contest for the government and the opposition.


Because they'd rather have it as a popularity contest between parties, then they don't really have to do much themselves. They don't complain when they win because the national party is doing well do they?

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I'm sorry but these stupid comments are starting to wear thin. Just because someone is posh or not, it doesn't mean they are or are not fit to lead. Your mentality would leave us with hardly any leaders through history including Churchill.


It's not where you come from, it's where you're going that matters.


Indeed, we've gone into double dip. Perhaps that goes someway to explain last night's local election results.

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This does appear to be the case, but is it necessarily true, and if so, why?


That is because a politician always has to compromise. They cannot do something unless they go half this way and half that way. They think here and think there all over the place, what if this happens and what if that. Then they make so many compromises that it does not work any longer.

You cannot go half this way and that way at same time. You have to do the job totally but a politician cannot do that. politics as a system does not allow to do something complete because too many idiots are pushing and pulling all over the place.


The very mechanism of politics is defect.

A mentaly healthy person could do things right but not in politics because the very system does not give the freedom to do something right.

Even if 10 healthy people would be there they would have to compromise with the other idiots and all gets corrupted, everything healthy dies instantly.


A group of psychiatrists should be in charge of whom gets through, not the voters. The voters are idiots believing the silly lies and valse promises. Voters are not capable to see that a little candybag whith sweeties is only there so they can sneak in and perform their own egoistic decorations.


I voted not because I was voting for a party. I voted to make certain that the worse one of the lot, the dirtiest, gets one les vote and a les dirtier party has a little more chance of making it.

But I was not for the party I voted for.

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Let's be honest people are just voting against the Cons up to their old tricks. Lining the pockets of the £1000 suits of the rich and robbing from the poor. Any one who honestly believes that isn't happening has their head well and truly in the clouds.

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It's that good ol' British trait of Never say die, Never think things through.


I think they have thought things through and your attitude is exactly why the Conservatives have dropped seats. Neither do I think it is a protest vote.

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Are you seriously saying Labour supporters, many considered by the likes of yourself as lefties, would vote for a right wing party? After the demise of the NF in the late 1970s most of their voters chose the conservative party. It's highly probable that the former NF voters now vote Conservative, BNP, UKIP or some other thuggish party.

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So everyone is upset with Cameron and Clegg for not magically finding 200billion quid down the back of the sofa. Fair enough, if you wanted to air your grievances why not vote Green, voting for those Labour muppets who had a massive amount to do us being in this mess in the first place and who have learnt absolutely nothing is not a protest vote, they will think you actually want them back in! Did you forget about the PFI projects we will be paying for for the next 100 years, NHS 12billion computer system, ID cards, Passport computer system, the 500million fire station project, Blairs lies, Browns incompetence, their ignoring the Bank of englands warnings, need I carry on?


To give them credit, their continuing to spend billions even when they knew we were totally screwed,so they could us in an even bigger mess when they lost the election worked like a dream. People upset at not having a solid gold house have voted for them again.



I have a funny suspicion that you might be a Conservative supporter:suspect:

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