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People voting Labour in protest

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I think they have thought things through and your attitude is exactly why the Conservatives have dropped seats. Neither do I think it is a protest vote.



Labour supporters thinking? Whatever will you come up with next? This was the usual, predictable mid term kicking of an incumbent government. Nothing to do with local politics. At the last local election all the loons (there I said it) voted to give Nick Clegg a kicking. They ended up with a Labour council cutting front line services but not management jobs and everyone complained about it. This time they want to give Cameron a kicking so they put in even more Labour muppets who will cut more front line services put up parking and transport charges, make education worse and still not get rid of any managers. Stupidity doesn't even begin to cover it.

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Indeed, we've gone into double dip. Perhaps that goes someway to explain last night's local election results.


That's perfectly justified then, to point out what they are doing, but disregarding them because you or anyone deems them to be either posh or not is plain stupid.

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Labour vs conservative. Zig zag zig zag all the time this way then that way like a saw cutting in all healthy mechanisms.

When something functional is there politics has to cut it this way and that way. Nothing gets a chance to grow or develop into something strong and healthy.


The steering wheel goes left then right and left again the vehicle of authority is moving all over the place. Like a drunkard all over the road.

And the voters are the ones at the steering wheel sending it all over the place, they don't know what to do.


Many people are not happy with their politics. They don't know what way to go.

Not realising that they are voting like drunkards.

Get of the vehicle. Be free now! Stop believing voting is a way of growth and development.

When you are centered and aware you realise that both sides are needed equaly to stay in the center. Whenever you go one way too much no need to go the other to stay on the middle of the road.


I live life centered all the time, not like drunkard all over the place. Stop zig zag and give everything a chance to find a healthy balance.

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I think they have thought things through and your attitude is exactly why the Conservatives have dropped seats. Neither do I think it is a protest vote.


Spot on. The arrogance and patronising attitude of some people beggars belief

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I'm sorry but these stupid comments are starting to wear thin. Just because someone is posh or not, it doesn't mean they are or are not fit to lead. Your mentality would leave us with hardly any leaders through history including Churchill.


It's not where you come from, it's where you're going that matters.


Thank you for your kind insults. NOT. The plain fact is, the current coalition ARE making a hash of it.


I didn't say that was my mentality at all...Try reading it first before making personal insults.


My observation is clearly what happened. I didn't say it was wise or otherwise.

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Why did these people not vote for Labour in the last general elections where were they then,I hope they have learnt from there mistake and return to vote for Labour in the next general elections and return Labour back to Government.

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The Lib-Dems have taken control of Sheffield only twice, both times during the Blair-Brown years. Do you think this is a coincidence? The Lib-Dems benefitted from an unpopular Labour government and now Labour is benefitting from an unpopular coalition government. There's no difference. Lib-Dems are just moaning that voters shouldn't take national politics into account but when roles are reversed they exploit unpopular Labour governments. They should accept that supporting unpopular Tory policies is going to cost them votes.


Ooooohhh, I agree with you, think I'll sit down for a bit, I've gone all of a wobble....:suspect:

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Why did these people not vote for Labour in the last general elections where were they then,I hope they have learnt from there mistake and return to vote for Labour in the next general elections and return Labour back to Government.


Me too, we need a death knell.

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