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People voting Labour in protest

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Voting today is just about choosing the better of several evils. The electorate merely hate the condems more than hey hate labour. The are all rubbish at the moment.


I dont think we hate any party any more.

They have proved themselves all to be equally despised.

And that passes on to the people' the young inparticular.

It seems to be a thing with all young people these days.

Thatcher infected them all.

They are all self seeking brutes, as we saw in the riots and looting.


What a great legacy that evil woman left us.

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That's perfectly justified then, to point out what they are doing, but disregarding them because you or anyone deems them to be either posh or not is plain stupid.


Yes but class prejudice works both ways, and while some sneer at those with more money as 'out of touch' (as Tory MP Nadine Dorries recently implied of Cameron and Osborne); many more look down their noses at those with little money or breeding as the new Üntermensch.

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Yes but class prejudice works both ways, and while some sneer at those with more money as 'out of touch' (as Tory MP Nadine Dorries recently implied of Cameron and Osborne); many more look down their noses at those with little money or breeding as the new Üntermensch.



So what is worse? Out of touch people with money running the country or rich, posh kids affecting to be for the workers while sipping their Pimms and Champagne with the glitterati? I know which I trust more.

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It seems to be a thing with all young people these days.

Thatcher infected them all.

They are all self seeking brutes, as we saw in the riots and looting.


ALL young people? There are millions of young people in this country. How many took part in the riots? A few thousand and none in Sheffield.

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ALL young people? There are millions of young people in this country. How many took part in the riots? A few thousand and none in Sheffield.


From what I understand Sheffield is in a constant state of disorder these days.

Why cant they be like we were, perfect in every way?

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Let labour spend money. As much as possible. The top bussines graps as much as possible for no good reason. let labour spend as much as they can no good reason.

It is only money. People, humanity are the only idiots on this planet using money and thinking it is worth something. The only living organism in existence that has anything like money for exchange.

things will be fine with it things will be fine without it. People ruin their lives thinking money is a reality of life. Money is needed in this society now to supply things needed and wanted and without money you cannot buy food, you have to beg or steal it.


Your life is primary, money is secondary. Without people there would be no money.

Spend it spend it spend it. It is all manmade. Manipulated, used for greed, selfishness, desires, wars.

Money can disappear instantly. Many people have seen their pensions disappear that they worked for all their lives.

Most money is just numbers on computers, fantasy. Look at a movie of bankers playing with money and something happens like oilsupply changes. They behave like complete idiots. No other species in existence behaves as stupid as a human being woried and playing games with money.

The food on your plate is real. Money is not but society uses it to keep you in control.

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Because councillors work locally. Their work shouldn't have anything to do with national issues.


I noticed it was only Labour who used these national tactics in their election broadcasts - "if you disagree with the NHS changes vote Labour".


People have voted on local issues. They have seen what damage the cuts are doing to their local communitites and said enough is enough.

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So everyone is upset with Cameron and Clegg for not magically finding 200billion quid down the back of the sofa. Fair enough, if you wanted to air your grievances why not vote Green, voting for those Labour muppets who had a massive amount to do us being in this mess in the first place and who have learnt absolutely nothing is not a protest vote, they will think you actually want them back in! Did you forget about the PFI projects we will be paying for for the next 100 years, NHS 12billion computer system, ID cards, Passport computer system, the 500million fire station project, Blairs lies, Browns incompetence, their ignoring the Bank of englands warnings, need I carry on?


To give them credit, their continuing to spend billions even when they knew we were totally screwed,so they could us in an even bigger mess when they lost the election worked like a dream. People upset at not having a solid gold house have voted for them again.





The Tories have just borrowed 150 billion to pay the benefits of those they have put on the dole.

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So what is worse? Out of touch people with money running the country or rich, posh kids affecting to be for the workers while sipping their Pimms and Champagne with the glitterati? I know which I trust more.


You sound like you've got a chip on your shoulder, and a twisted bilious view of the world. Perhaps your secong sentence would have been more accurate if it read "Out of touch people with money running the country for the rich"

I wished the Labour party were more for the workers, the electorate might have a bit more choice at the ballot box.

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So what is worse? Out of touch people with money running the country or rich, posh kids affecting to be for the workers while sipping their Pimms and Champagne with the glitterati? I know which I trust more.


Envy is never pretty :P

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