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Are UKIP the new BNP?

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You know the unelected prats in Brussels would love to meddle with the British pint. Yes, so far we have managed to keep it but you could bet your life that they're not happy with us getting our own way.


Why on earth would you think that European ministers would have the slightest interest in your pint? I assure you they are far more concerned with the economies of members states than whether or not your beer is measured in pints or litres. Neither are they interested in the shape of bananas or any of the other nonsense that's being peddled.


For some reasons, anti-Europeans are convinced that they are at the centre of everyone's focus in the European Parliament. They and I couldn't give a toss what you drink from.

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Why on earth would you think that European ministers would have the slightest interest in your pint? I assure you they are far more concerned with the economies of members states than whether or not your beer is measured in pints or litres. Neither are they interested in the shape of bananas or any of the other nonsense that's being peddled.


For some reasons, anti-Europeans are convinced that they are at the centre of everyone's focus in the European Parliament. They and I couldn't give a toss what you drink from.


Wasn't there a big news story a while ago about a Green Grocer being prosecuted for selling spuds by the pound?....

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A true racist wouldn't even contemplate voting for Labour, their only choice is UKIP, they give whitey credibility but more importantly serve middle and upper class racists who are more image conscious and at all costs would never want to be associated with simple white trash, which is great for UKIP as they become a powerful racist political force to be feared.


I've read a lot of tripe on this forum and your post defintely qualifies for the Gold Medal for I Do Not Know What I Am Talking About.

I am not going to repeat what I and other posters have said about UKIP and racism and before you get your nappy in a knot I expect you to provide solid evidence to justify your statement, not conjecture or opinion just solid facts.

I suggest you disconnect your keyboard ,unplug your computer and do some serious research before commenting further.

You are in the running for nomination as Sheffield Forum Moron of The Year.

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Me, and pretty much everyone who has to measure things for a living in the world: chemists, engineers, rocket scientists.


Everything is divisible by 10 or a multiple of 10 in order to get the next unit. It is soooooo much easier to learn, let alone actually use, that is why it is vastly superior.


Just to be a little pedantic, the US does not use the Imperial system of weights & measures, which was introduced in the UK and progressively to most the Empire from 1824 onwards. The US did not at that time adopt the reforms of the Imperial system, but continued to use (and still uses) the older system, known these days as the US Customary System.

Boeing is probably the most succesful aeroplane company in the world and manages very well without using metrication.

You chose to answer my previous question with an opinion. I asked you for evidence that metrication is-in your words-'vastly superior'. I also mentioned the base 10 system but that is not evidence of superiority, it is evidence of choice.

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Just to be a little pedantic, the US does not use the Imperial system of weights & measures, which was introduced in the UK and progressively to most the Empire from 1824 onwards. The US did not at that time adopt the reforms of the Imperial system, but continued to use (and still uses) the older system, known these days as the US Customary System.

Boeing is probably the most succesful aeroplane company in the world and manages very well without using metrication.

You chose to answer my previous question with an opinion. I asked you for evidence that metrication is-in your words-'vastly superior'. I also mentioned the base 10 system but that is not evidence of superiority, it is evidence of choice.


Do you think that Boeing's engineers use inches or centimeters?

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Just to be a little pedantic, the US does not use the Imperial system of weights & measures...
Let me cut you off there, because I never said anything about the US, nor did I mention specifically which set of units the metric system is better than, you're arguing against a strawman of your own creation.


Just to clarify the metric system is vastly superior both the Imperial and US system.


Boeing is probably the most succesful aeroplane company in the world and manages very well without using metrication.
But possibly not quite as well as they would if they switched to metric.


Even NASA are trying to switch to the metric system, they just can't afford it at the moment, what with all the budget cuts, but they would if they could.


You chose to answer my previous question with an opinion.
Actually you asked me two questions I asked you for evidence that metrication is-in your words-'vastly superior'.
I also mentioned the base 10 system but that is not evidence of superiority, it is evidence of choice.
No the base 10 system is the dogs ********, it's much easier to use and much easier to learn and to teach, and the whole world uses it except for the US and Burma.


It is vastly superior having consistency across your system than having all different bases for different units.


Think about it for a second, if you designing a system from scratch, would you really not use base 10?


It's only because when all these units were originally being arbitrarily assigned no-one was thinking of the big picture and how they'd all fit together, because they just needed units to measure whatever they wanted to measure at the time.

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Wasn't there a big news story a while ago about a Green Grocer being prosecuted for selling spuds by the pound?....


Yes. It was in Sunderland or somewhere in the north east but he wasn't prosecuted for selling fruit and veg in pounds, but only in pounds. If he'd sold stuff in metric and in pounds he'd have got away with it but he insisted on selling stuff only in pounds. I think he died not longer after. He's now nearly 2 metres under.

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Yes. It was in Sunderland or somewhere in the north east but he wasn't prosecuted for selling fruit and veg in pounds, but only in pounds. If he'd sold stuff in metric and in pounds he'd have got away with it but he insisted on selling stuff only in pounds. I think he died not longer after. He's now nearly 2 metres under.
There you are vote UKIP and keep Cilla Black White.:huh:
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