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Pass an IQ test to qualify to vote?

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People should at least know how their electoral system works


This would delay the queues at the PB,and if I asked you what a rotten borough was could you explain this anomaly?I doubt that even you know how the system functions!

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Prisoners should NEVER be allowed to vote. They're in prison because they refused to abide by the rules of the country, why should they then have the right to decide which group runs those rules.

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Prisoners should NEVER be allowed to vote. They're in prison because they refused to abide by the rules of the country, why should they then have the right to decide which group runs those rules.


By influencing the law perhaps their crime would be redefined as was the case with gays.

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Should the electorate's intelligence be assessed before the next elections take place, and then only those that reach a minimum standard of intelligence become eligible to vote?


How would you feel if you happen to fall below the required level?

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What about people who pay VAT?Would you introduce a third tier of government for their benefit?


PS Dont beat yourself up about your low IQ,as many less able learners have proved garden experience.


We all pay VAT unless you manage to only purchase zero rated items.

Some of us also collect VAT for the government from our customers and pass it on to him.

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Should the electorate's intelligence be assessed before the next elections take place, and then only those that reach a minimum standard of intelligence become eligible to vote?


No. but all should have to vote.

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Voting for a capitalistic government is never ever going to work. No matter whom you vote for no matter whom gets in.

The system malfunctions from it very roots.

Intelligence is not going to save the current system. Even if only the most intelligent people on the planet were allowed to vote, the current system of politics will continue as it is doing so today.


The real idiots are the ones believing politics is going to save their lives and change the world. They are so stupid thinking a politician is going to do what they could have done ten times better themselves and they keep believing one day it wil all be better with politics.


Politics has no meaning. It is all pretense and false, meaningles promises. Stupid ideas, solutions that try to go 10 different direcrctions to get to one goal.


Only humans have an political system, nothing else in existence does. Who is stupid and whom is intelligent?

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