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Does the rise of Respect vindicate the BNP and EDL?

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Contrary to what the BNP and EDL assert, people say that there are no "Muslim area's", Muslims are not a homogenous, block-voting group that seek to create their own enclaves within this country...but we have recently seen that this is actually going on.


To a certern degree, havn't the BNP and EDL been vindicated?

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I don't think Respect will ever gain any real power, on a national basis. They'll fizzle out. They don't appeal to enough people, especially none racists...


They may get in and establish themselves long term in places like Bradford, Birmingham, Leicester and Tower Hamlets etc, eventually ousting Galloway as leader, replacing him with one of their own and gradually morphing the party into an openly Islamist party, campaigning for greater local powers - in other words, Sharia courts in these places.


I dont think this is too far-fetched at all.

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I would say Respect, and most other ‘fringe’ parties, as always been the case, are benefiting from the troubled times we live in. that Respect won in Bradford is less a vindication of BNP or EDL, or a validation of the ‘Muslim takeover’ theory as it is a sign that the big parties have lost touch with their roots. Most of the vote, or abstainers, are out of protest as opposed to an actual belief in the party/parties politics. There will not be a time when the UK will ever allow any other courts, except those who run with the ‘law of the land’, to pass out their own judgements. Besides, Respect will make a few splashes etc and then wither like the rest. Nothing new.

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I have no time for Galloway. He jumped on the Anti war in Iraq bandwagon in Bethnal and Bow and won the seat as their MP, but was booted out at the next election when the people who voted for him saw through his empty promises and chest beating. The same will happen in Bradford. He is a one trick pony ,always has been .always will be.

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Contrary to what the BNP and EDL assert, people say that there are no "Muslim area's", Muslims are not a homogenous, block-voting group that seek to create their own enclaves within this country...but we have recently seen that this is actually going on.


To a certern degree, havn't the BNP and EDL been vindicated?


Yes its that simple

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To a certern degree, havn't the BNP and EDL been vindicated?


There are a couple of million Muslims in this country. Respect won 5 seats in Bradford. Labour won 45 in Bradford and was the biggest winner nationwide. If the BNP had been vindicated by its arguments you'd expect people to be queuing up to vote for them. Yesterday every BNP candidate lost and the party is all but finished. If you take the percentage of the vote gained by the BNP and similar parties it's miniscule. Vindication of far right policies? The far right posters on here don't seem to have a perspective on things as usual.

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