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I'm far from happy Boris won but I am happy Ken lost

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Boris won because he is more trustworty than Livingstone. Milliband would not commit any Labour party resources to help Red Ken knowing he was the wrong choice for a party trying desperately to regain support from the British electorate.

Livingstone is an old school socialist and his policies and views are a long way from millionaire Milliband's vision for Labour.

Boris kept his promises without raising council tax or business rates and making London attractive to both investors and residents.


Socialists always run out of other peoples money to spend.


FreddyMac and Fanny Mae were socialists, are we to understand?

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FreddyMac and Fanny Mae were socialists, are we to understand?


Taken entirely out of context and you know it. For your benefit;


The two firms were major players in the mortgage market, and so the rising home values were at least partly funded by their flow of money.

But the bubble really inflated when Wall Street started buying riskier loans made to borrowers who didn't qualify for a Fannie or Freddie conforming loan. Those loans carried higher interest rates, with relatively little risk for investors while home prices were going up.

When you bring in 5 million marginal buyers who under normal circumstances would not qualify for a mortgage, that's what ends up driving home prices.

By the middle of the last decade, Freddie and Fannie had lost their dominant position in the home loan market, as the riskier loans became a larger share of the mortgage market.So they adjusted their underwriting standards in order to participate in the riskier lending as well.

They also were relatively late to the game. That meant they got into riskier loans right before the decline in home prices -which began in 2006-led to a spike in repossesions. After that, home buyers started to default on loans that were safer, adding to Freddie and Fannie's losses.


What killed Fannie and Freddie is the housing market went to hell and they were 100% exposed to housing.


A fine example of the state dabbling in the free markets.


I rest my case.

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Nope, London is the epicentre of everything good, bad or indifferent. We have enough of the Labour party in Sheffield still commiting use to pay for the Student Games which is an open ended expense. Put up the rents for the labour tenants to pay for it all and they might vote Tory but have any hope. We are due for hard labour for years unless you are on benefits, labour again.


And down in London they have the open-ended expense of the Olympic games! :gag:

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Also of note is the Lib Dem candidate for London Mayor, Brian Paddick finishing 4th behind the Greens.


I'm suprised that it was so close between Livingstone & Boris if I'm honest. Now Labour needs to look at who they can possibly field for London mayor next time (and please let it not be Oona King!).

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The sooner you and people of your persuation realise that capitalism is dying the better.

We need to get an alternative in place pronto.

Because if we dont, when it does fall, as it will, shortly, the only alternative is the short cut to the Dark Ages, from the Middle East.

That will be disaster.

It took over 1500 years to recover from the fall of Rome, it will take at least as long to recover from the fall of Capitalism.

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I'm suprised that it was so close between Livingstone & Boris if I'm honest. Now Labour needs to look at who they can possibly field for London mayor next time (and please let it not be Oona King!).


If they stick to their previous selction criteria they will try to persuade George Galloway to rejoin so he can be their candidate. Or maybe Gerry Adams, he's spent enough time studying the infrastructure of London, albeit with a view to blowing it up, but hey, at least he's interested.

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The sooner you and people of your persuation realise that capitalism is dying the better.

We need to get an alternative in place pronto.

Because if we dont, when it does fall, as it will, shortly, the only alternative is the short cut to the Dark Ages, from the Middle East.

That will be disaster.

It took over 1500 years to recover from the fall of Rome, it will take at least as long to recover from the fall of Capitalism.


Who or what are 'people of my persuasion'? You have absolutely no idea what my political or moral persuasions are.

If capitalism is dying why are the Chinese and Indian governments embracing it? Why is South Korea more prosperous than North Korea?

Capitalism is not perhaps the ideal solution but it is a long,long way ahead of whatever is in second place.

Would you prefer that we adopt the economic policies of Zimbabwe,Cuba,Iran,Sub-Saharan Africa,Greece or Albania?

Please tell me why you think it is immoral for parents to teach their children that hard work and application can lead to better standards of living and more freedom to choose a particular lifestyle? Or do you believe that everyone should be levelled down?

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If you are one of those who believe, like Mr Ike, that reptiles have infiltrated the human race you have to look no further than Livingstone for evidence....He makes a slug look buff...


He does boast about his pet newt!

Something in common perhaps?

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Who or what are 'people of my persuasion'? You have absolutely no idea what my political or moral persuasions are.

If capitalism is dying why are the Chinese and Indian governments embracing it? Why is South Korea more prosperous than North Korea?

Capitalism is not perhaps the ideal solution but it is a long,long way ahead of whatever is in second place.

Would you prefer that we adopt the economic policies of Zimbabwe,Cuba,Iran,Sub-Saharan Africa,Greece or Albania?

Please tell me why you think it is immoral for parents to teach their children that hard work and application can lead to better standards of living and more freedom to choose a particular lifestyle? Or do you believe that everyone should be levelled down?


I said non of those things, so why are you putting wiords into my mouth?

You are obviously an alter ego.

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